"I didn't mean that literally"

I shoot another one at him

"Stop doing that"

"I don't want to"

He ran at me and grabbed my hand

"You do realize that was a stupid move" I told him

He huffed

"As long as you don't shoot fire balls at my head anymore I'm good"

I chuckled

I kicked his shine causing him to stumble back

"What was that for" he yelled as he held his shine in pain

"That was for grabbing my hand and this is for jumping on me"

I use the water from the glass next to me and dumped it on his head

"Now I'm soaked" he shouted

"I can dry you off" I told him as I shot a wave of fire at him

"Stop doing that"

"I don't want to maybe don't jump on me and don't tick me off"

I kept shooting fire at him

"Y/n that's enough" Katara yelled as she grabbed my hand

I ripped it out of her grip and huffed

"You to need to stop arguing it's starting to become a daily thing" she scolded

"She started it" Sokka shouted

"I started it this all start because you jumped on me" I yelled back

"Enough" Katara shouted

We looked at her

"Alright you two are coming with me where gonna go do something that will hopefully help you get along" she said

"Tsk me get along with him impossible" I told her

"Yah because your a brat" he told me

"I'm a brat?" I repeated


"And your a daddy's boy"

"I am not"

"Oh really every time you had a problem you always ran to your father, whenever you get hurt you cry out for him, you even almost left us to go see your father" I told him

He scoffed and rolled his eyes

"Maybe if you had parents you would understand"

"Sokka" Katara yelled

I took a deep breath

"Don't cross that line" I warned

"I'll cross whatever line I want"

I brought my hand up and was about to send a big blast of fire at him but Katara grabbed my hand before I could.

"That's enough Y/n"

I fought against her grip before giving up

"Let's go you to" Katara said as she grabbed both our ears

"Ow" we both yelled

She dragged us down the path and to a training ground, once she let go of our ears I glared at her, I was gonna shoot water at her but I saw my team behind her.

"Great you choose the train group with them" I mumbled

"What was the speak up" Sokka told me

"I wasn't talking you" I told him

He narrowed his eyes at me

"Stop looking at me like that" I told him glaring forward as my team walked over

"I can look at you how ever I want" he told me

"Do you want more fire balls shot at your head" I threatened

"You wouldn't do it with those guys here" he told me

"Oh yah you wanna find out" I said as I turned towards him

"God your so difficult for no reason" he shouted

"Jeez maybe it's because you jumped on me and woke me up and ticked me off" I shouted back

"Doesn't mean you shoot fire balls" he said

"Maybe you shouldn't be so difficult and I wouldn't" I yelled

"I'm the difficult one?" He shouted

"Yes you are"

"Really because your being the difficult one right now, just let it go" he yelled

"Maybe I don't want to"

"See that's your problem you can never let things go" he yelled

I narrowed my eyes at him

"Oh yah at least I'm not a daddy's boy"

"Maybe it's because you don't have a father"

I looked at him dead in the eye a deadly glare

"Sokka" Katara shouted

I glanced at her and saw my team behind her

"Take that back" I said

"No because it's the truth" he told me

"At least my mother cared for me unlike you" I spat

"How dare you say that" he yelled

I felt a stinging pain on my cheek, my eyes widen as I brought my hand up.

"Did you just slap me" I asked

"You crossed the line" he told me

"Oh so it's okay for you to cross that line but it's not okay for me to cross that line" I shouted in anger

Tears brimmed my eyes as memories that I didn't want to remember of my father came flashing back.

"Sokka that was uncalled for" Katara scolded

I walked forward and grabbed his shirt pulling him down to my level

"You just crossed a line you didn't want to cross and you crossed that line with the wrong person Sokka I'm not some push over" I told him

"Oh what you gonna do kill me" he laughed

I narrowed my eyes at him as I fought back tears

"Don't give me ideas" I told him

"Oh please you wouldn't kill me you don't have the guts to anyways"

"You know nothing about me Sokka and if you ever dare cross that line your gonna regret it" I threatened

He rolled his eyes

I brought my fist up and punched him hard against his jaw sending him to the ground, after he landed with a thud holding his jaw in pain I sent a blast of fire at him which he rolled away from just barely dodging.

"Stop doing that" he yelled

"I do what I want besides your the not boss of me" I yelled as I started walking away

"I'm your older brother" he yelled back

I stopped and looked at him

"Oh so now your my older brother, I get it your only my older brother when you want to be not when I need you to be oh and just so you know you may consider yourself as my older brother but you'll never be by blood" I told him with anger

I walked away the tears I fought back falling silently, I ignored the calls from Katara and my team members.

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