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13 years ago......

"Melvin honey, I want you to know that I'm trying to do what's best for you okay?" She cups his face.

He nods.

"Am I normal mom?" He asks, staring at his mother with sad eyes.

Her face softens, "Of course you are, and don't ever feel like you aren't nor let people tell you otherwise okay?"

The boy smiles.

"Are you ready to go see miss nards now?" She asks.

He nods holding his mothers hand.

They walk into the bright white room with toys and kids paintings everywhere.

"Hi Melvin, how are you today?" Miss nards asks.

"I'm great, I had pancakes for breakfast." He gives the woman a bright smile.

"That's awesome, do you wanna go play with the toys while I speak to your mom?"

He nods quickly running towards the toys.

Both women take a seat.

"Okay miss petit, after a lot of evaluating Melvin, he's been diagnosed with Bi polar 1 disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder." Miss nards says.

Tears fill Melvins mother's eyes. She wants what's best for her kid, she doesn't want him to be picked on more than he already is.

"This can be balanced though, if he keeps going to his sessions so he can express how he feels, and also making sure he takes his medication."

Miss petit nods, "Okay okay, he can get through this." She tells herself.

Melvin runs up to his mother.

"Are you okay mom?" He tilts his head.

She nods quickly wiping away her tears, "Yes I'm just fine, how about we go to the park?"

"No I want to go home now." He says.

"Okay that's fine Melvin, do you want to say goodbye to miss Nards?"

Melvin shakes his head no.

"Okay let's go." His mother says waving to miss Nards.




Present day........


I tap my toes on the door step waiting for my mother to walk over and open the door for me.

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