We all looked at each other shaking our heads, "No?" Bobby said looking at each of us, "Nothing?"

"You uncultured swines," he exclaimed. "Audio can pick up background noise, like a train, a car, maybe even voices,"

"So there seeing if there is a possibility of picking up her kidnapper's voice on her 911 call?" Ace asked clarifying what Bobby had said.

"Well when you put it like that, yeah basically,"

The doors opened and Detective Miller was walking the lady out. They all came back into the room grabbing their coats, "We're going to Bella's," my uncle said and we jumped up following them to the parking lot.


"I t-think t-they b-broke the door d-down,"

I looked at the kitchen and the living room. Just imagining what took place as the recording was played. My stomach lurched hearing the fear in her voice. 

"I'm so so sorry, I wasn't strong enough," I sniffled. "I'm so s-sorry I broke my p-promise," I choked on a sob, "T-there's letter's for you, a-and the others in my old room...everything's there,"

"F-find what makes you happy, and hold onto it for me," I choked on a sob, "I know you think you can't do this but, you can," Tears falling down my cheeks, "I know you can I believe in you," I coughed, "I'll always be with you," I rushed out the footsteps came closer, "I just wish we had more time. I-"

"What the fuck are you doing?"

I stared down at the floor of the bathroom, blood and pieces of wood coated the floor. Her voice played through my head, on a continuous loop. What was she going to say? Would I ever find out? No, I can't think like that, my uncle would get her back, I would get her back. 

"Ryder," Brian called snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned to him, and he gestured his head towards the kitchen and I followed.

"Okay, what do we got?" my uncle asked once everyone was in the kitchen.

"We already know from the recording that there was more than one offender," Detective Johnson pulled out his notepad, "At approximately 11:27 p.m. a 911 call was made by Bella Russo," He looked around the room and sighed, "According to the 911 call Bella had stated that she was hiding in the bathroom when the incident happened. We believe that three offenders broke in, followed by all the noise that caused this," he said gesturing to the mess on the floor, "And then broke into the bathroom. There's evidence to believe there was a struggle and Bella was forced out of the house by one of the offenders..." He paused and frowned staring at the couch that was bare of its cushions. He then looked around the whole room.

"What?" Detective Brown asked.

"If their goal was Bella, what was the point of," he gestured around the room at the mess, "This?"

"I mean Bella's small, she could fit in a cabinet if she wanted to," Bobby stated as if it was the obvious answer.

I looked at him weirdly, "The utensil draw?" Ace pointed out.

"No your right," my uncle pointed out, "If they wanted Bella there was no reason to wreck the place,"

"They could have made the mess to throw you off," Brian gave his input. 

"That's a good point, focus on the mess and throw us off the real reason they were in the house," Detective Brown said, "Unless..."

"They were actually looking for something," Brian commented.

"Son of a bitch," my uncle cursed rushing out of the kitchen and down the hall. I followed him as he entered the office, it was completely trashed. Papers were scattered all over the floor, the desk was flipped over, and glass from an old vase covered the floor.

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