A New Mission

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Anyway, let's continue, shall we?
About... I guess it was April, yeah, seems right. My watch started beeping during my firearms training, with the text "New mission received. Prepare for mission briefing!". I used my password, which I'm not gonna share with you because it's still in use by other THE DRIVERs, to send a message to Deputy Director King
• This is Captain THE DRIVER, CONTROLLING BY STEERING THE WHEEL. THE ASSISTANT, send a message to Deputy Director King, "I received your message, currently at THE SPECIAL PROGRAM Training Grounds, will be headed your way in 10 minutes."
• Voice match, confirmed. Password, correct. Message sent.
So we grouped up and went to see Mr. King
• What's the new mission, sir?
• We're having a situation... There's a new infection spreading throughout China, it isn't as contagious as you might think, only the water can infect people. But due to this, there's civil unrest, people are swarming every single shop and store to get bottles of water, instead of drinking the tap water. Currently, the country is 65% infected. The military is trying to resolve the unrest by any means necessary... They're checking every single house in China! Currently, we're having some spies in China, most of them are on their way back, but 3 of them are trapped in a city, whom you're supposed to go in and rescue. It's gonna be a covert search and rescue mission.
We had done search and rescue before, but that time, it was different, because it was
• Covert?!
• The last thing those soldiers wanna see is American combatants infiltrating their country and extracting 3 American spies!
The squad members started whispering things to each other, we all were scared! Someone stepped forward
• I'm in.
Everyone looked at that person, that was me. Jess reacted
• Jack?!
With confusion! Leon got his hand on my shoulder and looked at me, then at Mr. King
• I'm in, as well.
Bob also stepped forward
• Yeah, I'm coming to the party!
Jess had doubts
• O... OK, if you guys are going...
Then also Dave stepped forward! We all looked at Helena
• Ah, screw it. I hope you know what you're doing, Captain!
• Alright, Mr. King. We need all the information we can use.
He gave us some photos
• Karen Smith, Camilla Lee and Neil Clark are your targets.
So, we accepted the mission. Kinda our thing, you know! Doing the impossible! But we couldn't wear our THE CLASSIC SUIT, because it was a suit and it would draw attention. So instead, we went for other clothes, a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, with a jacket. That outfit had similar characteristics in terms of ballistics, compared to THE CLASSIC SUIT. I don't know what MK they're using nowadays... Been a long time.
Back to the story, right?
So we landed in Nepal, with THE WING, of course! We had a contact at the Nepal-China border and they let us through. It was 7 PM if I'm not mistaken. So we entered China, it wasn't good... We knew that our targets were waiting for us in a residential complex, a big one! The military was checking every house to make sure there are no threats and also to supply people with clean water. The next day, we were closer to our targets, we still were apart, but luckily, we were in the same city! People were 2 groups, 1 group was rioting everywhere they could to get their hands on whatever they could, and the second group was watching the first group from behind the windows, with fear...
Anyway, we reached our destination, it was about 8-8:30 PM. We found the complex we were looking for and entered
• THE SNIPER and THE COMPUTERIST, watch the cameras and let us know if anyone comes out. Guide us through the floors to avoid security. THE RIDER, watch the entrances, make sure the military doesn't come in while we go up there. THE TROUBLER, watch the garage, you're good enough to handle yourself. THE KILLER, you come with me. Am I clear?
They all said
• Yes, sir!
Helena said
• OK, it appears our targets are currently in the west wing.
• Solid copy, moving out.
• Captain, 2 security guards coming down your way.
I looked at Leon
• I know it's in your name, but we ain't here for taking down anybody!
• Yeah, I know. We'll incapacitate them.
Of course we were whispering! We took those guards down
• Elevator currently in motion, take the stairs. Oh sh...
• What's wrong?
• Security coming here!
Jess said
• I got this covered, don't worry.
• I count on that!
• You better do!
• THE KILLER, upon opening that door, you'll be facing 3 guards!
• Roger.
We took 2 of them down easily, taking the third one down was quite tricky. It was a 3 vs 2, after all! But Leon knew what he was doing, even though he wasn't our melee combat specialist, I trusted him a lot
• Target on your left.
We knocked on the door, Karen opened the door
I'm still not gonna share my password with you, because it's secret
• You came, finally!
We heard some gunshots and noises through our headphones
• I said nobody is allowed to fire a single round! Status report!
• THE SNIPER speaking, everything is fine in here.
• This is THE TROUBLER, all good in here.
I replied
• Captain, I found his pistol!
That was Jess
• And also his THE HEADPHONE. And... Some blood...
• Alright. New plan. THE TROUBLER, prepare 3 cars. All units, head over to TT's 20. THE KILLER, take the targets with yourself. I'll try to reach you soon.
He said
• Where are you going, Captain?
• Where do you think? To save our guy!
Helena said
• Excuse me, Cap. You wanna go after him? You can't just do that! Our mission is to save these 3 spies! I know he is one of your men and you want to save everyone, but our priority is the mission, besides, the soldiers are trying to get in through the main entrance, so you'll just get yourself killed.
David said
• Captain, the garage is still clear, we gotta be quick!
I pondered, Leon looked at me
• Captain, we can't always save everyone... You know that, right?
I looked at him
• We need to rescue these guys, Captain. We can't save THE RIDER, he's probably taken by the soldiers.
• All units... get to the garage.
Helena said
• I'm sorry, Captain.
Then she continued
• TT, I don't think we can use cars, soldiers are outside.
• I agree. Captain?
• Let's just get outta this hell.
We reunited, and Jess asked
• You good, Captain?
• Yeah... I... I am.
I really wish I could've saved him, I felt awful I wasn't able to save him. We weren't close friends, unlike the rest of the team, but still... He was one of us!
We found a place to lay low, I contacted Mr. King
• How's the mission?
• We got the targets. But there are 2 problems. Sir, we lost a man.
• The rookie?
• Yes sir. We think the soldiers got him.
• Damn, I told the director he's not ready!
• There's also another problem. The soldiers are roaming around, I think they know about the targets, though I'm not sure. It's getting harder to get back to Nepal.
• I'll dispatch you a team. I'll send another after THE WING. You just hang in there, be careful, and protect the targets.
• Solid copy.
About... I guess 10 minutes later, he messaged me
• Zachary Moore, Hong Kong, 2 hours, use your proprietary password.
Then he messaged me an address.
We began moving to Hong Kong. Now I don't how they were doing it, but trust me, Hong Kong was a bit calmer! We got there a bit late, actually. We found a place to hide, then I left the team to go and meet Zach. Before I left, Jess got to me
• Hey, need someone to come with you?
I looked into her eyes, she was freaked out
• Listen, don't be terrified, I promise I will take you out of here in one piece!
I was acting like a brave guy, I was terrified myself
• Jessica, you're a brave woman, look what you did back there, you single-handedly took out the security while Helena was panicked! You got this, girl! You absolutely got this.
Then I looked at everybody
• Watch out for each other, OK?
They all nodded.
So I got to the address I got from Mr. King. He also had sent me a pic of Zach. I found Zach
He brought his hand forward
• Nice to meet you, THE DRIVER. You're a bit late though.
We shook hands
• Yeah, sorry.
• Some of my men are retrieving your plane, don't worry about it.
• Thanks, Zach.
• We got a way out of here, there's an aircraft carrier waiting for you. We'll take you to some boats, you get to the carrier, and you fly back to the US. Sounds good?
• It does. Thanks.
• Don't mention, THE DRIVER. It's the least I can do for a legend like you!
• Legend?
• Mhm, I know your past, India, California, here, you're doing whatever a human can do! Anyway, let's get you out of here, shall we?
• Yeah, let's go. We found a hideout, it's this way.
• After you.
Zach followed me and we got to our hideout
• This is Zulu-Mike Actual, Unit 2, respond.
He was contacting his men
• Actual, this is Zulu-Mike 2, awaiting orders. Do you copy?
• Copy. I found TST and the targets. We're heading your way. Prep the boats, over.
• Copy that. Over and out.
He gave me a sign to come closer
• Zulu-Mike 5.
• Zulu-Mike Actual?
• Zulu-Mike 5, what is THE WING's status?
• We are refueling it, it should be ready to fly in less than 7 minutes.
• Copy that, over.
• Over and out.
He looked at me
• Your plane is looked after!
• Awesome, now let's just get outta here.
We moved out of our hideout and toward the shores. We got on the boats but the coast guard spotted us! They said a few words in Chinese and then began firing
• All units, protect TST and their targets. I repeat, protect TST and their targets!
Zulu Mike Squad covered us while we were sailing as fast as we could to reach the carrier. It was so dark, the only thing that was showing the way was my watch! I heard more boats going toward the shores, and a few minutes later, Zulu Mike boats showed up! Zach shouted from his boat at me
• We got them, THE DRIVER! They're taken care of!
I had to shout as well, because we all were cruising at high speeds with our boats
• How? I thought they almost got you!
He laughed and shouted
• Saw those boats? They are from our navy to distract them!
I looked at my watch, we were 20 nautical miles away from the carrier.
Upon our arrival, they took us in and the carrier captain came toward us
• Captain THE DRIVER.
We shook hands
• Captain Moore.
They shook hands as well. Then he said
• Follow me.
He took us to the flight deck, and the crew were working on a plane
• Alright boys, prep the C-130. Come on, come on, come on! Captain, we are almost ready.
• Roger. This is TST and Zulu Mike, they'll be the passengers of that C-130.
• Yes, sir.
We hopped on the plane
• Wings are looking good, start the engine. Engines looking good. Ready, 3, 2, 1, go!
And we took off! We accomplished the mission! I hugged Jess and she cried
• We did it, Jack!
• Sure thing!
The rest of the squad was cheerful! I looked at Zach with a smile
• Thanks, Zach!
• Don't mention it, it was an honor!
We were tired, can you imagine the amount of stress we were having? We needed some rest! Jess rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. David was looking out of the windows, and Helena and Leon and Zach were whispering, I could hear them though, they were sharing stories of their missions. Guess what I was doing! I... Was feeling sad... I wish I could've saved Bob...
Anyway, we landed in the UK for a brief refueling and we took off to Virginia State. When we landed and were still running on the runway, I saw THE WING being pushed into its hangar
• Jess, you see that?
• Is that THE WING?
• Yup!
• Nice!

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