The woman of the full moon (Part III): The sun who died for the moon

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There is another tale being passed down that ties to the woman of the full moon. It is a tale that is about how the moon loved the sun so much that she was willing to die for him. Yet the moon knows that she could never be with the sun. The sun was bright; filled with light and power and is admired by every soul, while she was the moon; the darkness, one that brings coldness to the world. Yet if the sun would ask for the moon if she would die for him, she would do it without question.

The sun and the moon loved each other, but they were lovers who rarely met and somehow always missed one another. Yet they were patient and waited for the rare days where they can meet and coexist peacefully. One day, when the sun had asked the moon if she was willing to give up everything to be with him, the moon hesitated. When the sun asked the moon to leave her people, she hesitated. So the sun told her that he shall be the one to give up everything for her, however, the moon forbids the sun from sacrificing for her. So the sun could only do one thing; he watches over the moon from afar and shines his light on her. He did this every single day.

Tragically, unfortunate events start to unfold, leading to the sun betraying the moon, and eventually, the moon kills the sun and his people with her own hands. The moon ended up being punished due to the sins that she committed, and she lived in hatred for the sun for eternity.

The moon would never know how much the sun loved her and how he was willing to die every night so that her moon would shine. The moon would never know that the sun had died and became a firefly, the weakest among the living, just so he could watch over her for eternity.

No one would know the sacrifice that the sun made, until thousands of years later. This tale remains as the tragic love story about how the sun gave up everything for the moon, only for him to meet a tragic end. 

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