Lovers Of The Moon: Alternate Realities

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The tale of the lovers of the moon that everyone came to know and love (and perhaps cry about) ends in tragedy as the man lives his life without his lover. But what if the story doesn't end there? What if their story continues on and on, but there was none who live to tell the tale? Or perhaps, there was none who witnessed it?

There is another misconception that there is only one single reality that exists, and that we are living in it right now. Just like how humans presumed that death is the end of life; when in fact, it is not the case, humans also believe that everything happens because they can see it. If they can't see it, then there would be no indication that it occurred.

Just like how humans don't really die, there is no telling that only one reality exists either. It has been said that more than one reality can coexist. This phenomenon is known as alternate realities; or the multiverse. It is believed there is an infinite number of different realities, some more similar than others. Sometimes there are the same people, places, and objects, but with notable differences.

Another question arises; how are alternate realities made? Alternate realities are the result of human decisions. In other words, the choices you made represent different realities, and the decision that is picked will be set as the reality in which you will live. Looking back to the tale of the lovers of the moon, the man and the woman lived in a reality where the woman made the choice to move on to the afterlife while the man remained in the living realm. But what if the woman had chosen to stay despite the consequences that will bring her? What if the man decided to not cut the invisible string that tied him to the woman? This is exactly what made the multiverse, or parallel worlds. Because such decisions can exist or can be made, alternate realities can occur. We are only not aware of it, or not conscious of it. because we are inside one separate reality among many.

Thus, the tale of the lovers of the moon doesn't stop there. It continues on and on in different realities. Some will end similar to the tale that we know as a sorrowful conclusion, while some will end happily, and some won't end at all. 

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