The Star that defies the moon

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It was known to many that the little boy in the origin story from the lovers of the moon would grow up to be the man that saved the moon. He was the man that would be able to lift the woman that resembles the full moon from her mistakes and regrets. He would be the same man who saved the woman from her own darkness, and the same man she was destined to fall in love with. He would be known as the last man she loved and will continue to love in the next lifetime. And the next. And many lifetimes to come. He would be known as the brilliant star that dared to defy the moon, yet able to capture the moon's heart and soul. But it was unknown to many of his true origin, how he was conceived and how he was chosen to be the moon's lover. Was it the deities who chose him to be the woman's savior? Or was it something much deeper than that? Was his fate written all along? Or was it his own choices and actions that drew him to the woman of the moon? This excerpt of the tale, however, does not necessarily show his connection to the woman, but rather, his character and true self that led him to the woman of the moon in the first place.

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