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  It all started the day i was born.

My dad was there when i was born he was happy this his second child was brought into this world.  My older brother was 1 or 2 at the moment it all happened.

  I was told that i was born sickly or something.  But it happened to take place in Marshfield Wisconsin 1999 being born around midnight on the 13th you know how it goes and stuff like that. 

  If you ask me I was like hey look at that im born now.  Before i was born my parents were wild and young my dad used to do drugs and my mom well she would do acid and when I came into the picture of living she wouldn't stop her dumb shit you know.  Almost everyone has a neglectful parent if you ask me.

  My dad had a job before i was born which is why I cherish my father. 
My brother was happy when he got to meet me.

  It was kinda hard to remember what all happened that night of my existence. 


  Being at the age of 1 comes with a lot of downsides.  The teething stage was the worst my mom didnt know what the fuck to do with me so my dad had to use something to numb my gums. 

  My aunt would sometimes come over to see us and stuff like that.  When I got older at the age of 2 I was put into foster care when my dad and mom were in court.  Thankfully my aunt stepped in to make sure that my brother and i wouldn't get separated from the family. 

Then later down the road I was locked outside in a thunderstorm from my biological mother.  Which isnt okay for a toddler who's scared of Thunder.

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