02 . friends

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"i thought you chose who was in our cabin?" i asked paisley, we were walking down a steep trail to our cabin

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"i thought you chose who was in our cabin?" i asked paisley, we were walking down a steep trail to our cabin. no sign of michael clifford, whoever the fuck he was.

"actually he's my friend. we have a band back home. i hope you don't mind." luke chimed in.

"would have been great to known before hand." i snapped, earning a nudge from paisley. "ok, as long as he's not a fucking creep I'm fine with him." i sighed, and paisley smiled seeming pleased.

"ok let's get this cleared up, our any of us actually religious?" ashton asked with a chuckle, a string of 'nopes' and 'fuck no' was heard from all of us. we all laughed, knowing our parents just sign us up for this bullshit.

"yeah my mom thinks this will stop me from smoking pot and drinking." i added humorously, but no one seemed to laugh. "it was funny, you were supposed to laugh." i giggled, and paisley was the only one who laughed, this fucking sucks.

" i giggled, and paisley was the only one who laughed, this fucking sucks

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

we finally ended up at our cabin. it was your stereotypical camp cabin, it had two sets of bunk beds and one single bed awkwardly pushed up against a wall. "me and ash call dibs on the twin size!" paisley giggled while dragging ash onto the bed.

"ok, i call top bunk than." i said while throwing my bags up onto the top bunk of one of the beds. "I'll take the top on the other bed." luke said while also throwing his bags onto the other top bunk.

the only other thing in the cabin was a cross above the doorway, and a small shelf with two bibles on it. there was also a small closet-like-cubby-thing meant for hanging wet swimsuits, which there was indeed a dress code for- no bikinis or revealing tops- of course i ignored that rule, but everybody did.

"where the hell is this michael?" i said looking over at luke. ash and paisley were cuddling up with eachother whispering things in eachothers ears awkwardly. gross.

"he's always fucking late. probably distracted with porn or some shit." he laughed, my eyes were wide.
"it's a joke! he's not a creep i promise." he laughed even harder as i let out a breath, the last thing i want is to be in the same room as a creepy ass dude for three months.

"ass long as he's not a creep-o im fine with him." i sighed laying down on the bed. there was no phones allowed at camp, they do bag searches once a week to double check as well. i was only able to sneak in two small bottles of booze that I plan to hide in my bra during searches. (i may or may not have pre-rolls in the lining of my duffel bag, but who cares.)

the digital clock in the room read 1:27, we still had two more hours until prayer. just as i planned to go on a walk to burn some time, two knocks where heard at the door and it swung open. there was boy with silver-ish blue hair and an eyebrow piercing standing in the doorway.

"I guess I got the fucking coolest cabin!" he yelled before slamming the door and throwing his bag on the bunk below lukes. ash stood up and gave him this awkward bro-hug, and him and luke exchanged a few greetings catching up since they had last talked.

"your paisley, ashton's chick right?" he said while pointing at her and she nodded. he was a total fucking douche bag. "and who might this be! i didn't know luke had a girlfriend." he laughed looking over at luke. "she's not my girlfriend, we just met idiot." luke threw a sock at michael.

"that's moxie, paisleys friend." ashton said while glancing over at me. "hey." i said trying to avoid eye contact. he was a total dick-wad, but he was kind of hot.

"moxie. that's a fun name, im michael." he grinned giving a propper introduction. i just pursed my lips and gave a small wave.

"you know you seem pretty cool, i bet you got cool parents." he said leaning against the edge of my bunk bed. i glanced over at paisley to give her help me eyes, but it seems her and ashs lips were to busy being mashed together.

"why? what gives away that i have cool parents." i snapped, wanting this conversation to be over. "you got a awesome fucking name. all i got was michael, you and paisley probably have the best parents. gave you rad ass names." he chuckled at his own remark, i raised my eyebrows a bit at his unreasonable logic.

"yea right, anyone's parents who send them here are probably the worst cool parents" i cocked an eyebrow at him, "she's got a point mikey." luke said while hopping off his bunk bed. michael just scoffed and shook his head a bit.

i looked over at paisley and ash who were still going at it, there clothes somehow still intact. "hey how about you guys get a fucking room. i don't need to witness the creation of little irwin." i said while letting out a laugh, both michael and luke did as well.

paisley just sat up and rolled her eyes. "maybe we will, cmon ash, let's go find a bench or something." she said while pulling him out the door.

"at church camp too?" luke muttered while making a gagging motion with his hand. "best place to do it. you got the thrill, perfect setting for sweaty sex, and of course hot ass girls who will fuck anything that walks." michael glanced over at me a bit after saying the last part, and I felt my cheeks heat up a bit. fuck no, im not doing this. he's a total asshole.

"michael stop being a fucking creep!" luke punched michaels shoulder a bit, "hey mate, im just telling the truth!"

summer bummer | michael cliffordHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin