"What do you mean by "forced"?"

"I don't know. You tell me, what does "forced" mean?" I said in a sarcastic manner feeling bitter and angry that they are forcing me to tell them these things. "I'll give you a hint, it's kind of like what dear Leonardo is doing to me right now." He pinched me once again.

"Stop with the smartass commets and answer the fucking question." He warned.

"It means he forced her into a relationship by threatening her with my life. I was a child at the time and she was vulnerable and couldn't afford anything to happen to me." I said still not looking at anyone.

"Now that you have your answers let me fucking go." He gave me a slight pinch when I cussed but I couldn't care less. He still let me go and when he did I sprinted to my bedroom and locked the door.

After I got into my bedroom I went into my closet, locked that door and sat in the corner crying. I remembered the first time Michael hit me my mom slapped him and before I knew it he was beating my mom.

By the time he was done my mom could barely say anything. I was 5.

I was crying for an hour when I couldn't cry anymore. That whole time I was reliving my worst nightmares. I would remember all the times Michael would hit me. Next thing I knew I was slowly falling asleep.


I woke up some time later and when I opened my eyes I realized that I was in my bed. How did I end up in my bed?

"You might be wondering how you got there. Your dad unlocked your door and when he didn't find you in the room he checked the closet only to find it locked. He unlocked that as well , and when he saw you curled up on the floor he brought you to your bed." I looked towards the voice and realized it was my aunt Sofia talking.

Behind her were all my other aunts. They were all sitting either on the bed or the ottoman at the end of my bed. I guess they wanted to make sure that I was okay.

"Leave me alone. I'm fine." I told them because I wanted to be left alone. I got up and made my way to the bathroom to wash my face. I went to close the door when a hand stopped it.

"You're not fine. After you are done using the bathroom we want to talk to you." Aunt Sofia said with a stern voice. I knew they wouldn't leave me alone so I just nodded and when she let go of the door I closed it and made my way to the sink.

I was exhausted. All I wanted was to be left alone. I don't want to talk to anyone. UGH!!

After removing my makeup I washed my face and reapplied the little makeup that I use. After looking decent I got out of the bathroom and sat down on my bed.

I also wasn't wearing shoes. I guess I have my dad to thank for that... Did I just say dad? I don't know why I did, maybe it's because he tries to understand me and actually listens to me when I talk about mom and doesn't get mad at me for that.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my aunt Aurora started speaking.

"I'm sorry for what Leo did. No excuse can cover up for what he did and why." She said, almost as if she was ashamed of her son's actions.

"It's okay you're not responsible for his actions." I said quietly. I don't hate/dislike her. She did nothing wrong, he may have been her son but she wasn't the one to hold me down.

"But he is my son and I raised him. I also didn't do anything when he was holding you down so I'm sorry." Realizing she was right I kept quiet. After a couple of minutes of this awkward silence my aunt Sofia started to speak.

"Look we may not love your mother anymore but you have to understand it from our point of view. That woman took you away from your family. She made us all fall for you and in the end she took you away." I was tired of them telling me how much they hated my mom. I stayed quiet not wanting to talk to them anymore. She took my silence as a sign for her to continue.

"When she left your father was broken. He turned to alcohol so we were left taking care of your brothers. After 3 years of realizing that he wasn't going to be able to find you he stopped drinking and instead he started working his ass off. But he also started paying attention to his kids now and even went to their football games, graduation, and even started coming home early to eat dinner with the family. Overall what your mom did ruined the family." She said finishing her little speech about how my mom ruined them.

"That doesn't excuse what Leonardo did or Amara's side comment about my mom or how my grandfather pushed a subject I didn't want to talk about!!" I said, angry that they think they can just talk about her like she's a monster.

I got up to make my way to my dad. Talking with him will help me release emotions that I have built up. I make my way downstairs to see if they are down there. As I was going down I could hear all of my aunts behind me following me.

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