Chapter 13

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Jin's Point of View

I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains. I tried getting out of bed but I had the hardest time moving. I sighed I knew that this was going to happen but I wasn't ready to leave him all alone yet. But my body and my health is failing me so there isn't much that I can do.

Taehyung's Point of View

I woke up to and took a look around me and saw Yoongi and Jungkook both fast asleep right beside me with me in the middle of them. Something didn't feel right Taehyung could feel that something was off with Jin. So, he wiggled herself out of Yoongi and Jungkook grasp. When I did so I ended waking both of them up.

"Taehyung what's wrong with you?" Yoongi asked with a husky morning voice.

Jungkook got up slowly opening his eyes looking at Taehyung like he was in a daze.

"I have this bad feeling that something is wrong with Jin. So, I'm going to check on him to see if he is going okay. Do you guys want to stay here or you can come with me to Jin's room to check up on him?" Taehyung replied while stretching his arms in the air.

Instead of them answering him they both nodded their heads and followed Taehyung as he was leading the way to Jin's room. When Taehyung opened the door his heart broke at the sight.

Jin's Point of View

I heard the door to my bedroom open which revealed Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jungkook. But the one who looked the worst was Taehyung. I saw it in his eyes that he knew that something wasn't quite right with me.

"Jin what's wrong and why are you hiding it from me?" Taehyung asked on the verge of tears.

Jin gave him a small weak smile.

Jin's  Thoughts

He finally knows and it's time to finally to tell Taehyung.

"Taehyung I think that its best if you sit on the edge of the bed and listen very carefully to what I am about to tell you. Jungkook and Yoongi I suggest that you do the same." Jin said very slowly with deep breaths.

They all sat down on the edge of the bed waiting to hear what Jin had to say. But Taehyung was the most nervous because he didn't know what he was going to say. So, he held his breath. While on the other hand Jungkook and Yoongi were nervous. Even though they knew Jin for a little period of time. They had both grown very close to him and didn't want anything bad to happen to Jin since they also cared for him as well.

"Well I have some news that I would like to announce. It is not the best of news that I would like to tell you all this morning but it is finally time to tell you all since I care about you all so much." Jin said.

All of them really held their breath for real this time. This sounded very serious and they were preparing themselves for the worst.

"I have been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and this is my last month to live. It seems that it is finally catching up with me and it seems that I don't have to much time left." Jin said with a very sad tone.

All their eyes widened and their eyes filled with tears. Taehyung was the first to speak.

"What why didn't you tell me this Jin. After all this time you tell me out of all the moments now. I'm not ready to lose you and you promised me that you wouldn't die on me and that we would be together until we were old." Taehyung said with tears running down his face.

Both Jungkook and Yoongi stayed silent.

"Taehyung my dearest little brother I didn't want to worry you and I wanted you to find your soulmate before I left you. I haven't even told our father. Listen I didn't mean to make you sad with this news I knew for a long time that I wouldn't live long. But on the bright side I'm so happy that I got to experience you meet your soulmate and see that you became a friend of Yoongi." Jin said with sad eyes.

"But Jin what are we going to do without you. You are the one that is keeping us out of trouble and from losing our heads." Yoongi said getting emotional as well.

"Jin what is going to happen to Taehyung when you are gone?" Jungkook asked.

"Don't worry about all of that I have already written my will and what I want to happen after I die." Jin answered while looking at Taehyung.

"What do you want?" Jungkook and Yoongi asked at the same time.

"Well after I am gone I am giving Jungkook and you ownership over the house so that you both can live here with Taehyung and take care of him after I am gone. I am giving my entire fortune and bank account to both of you and equally dividing the money between the both of you so you can have some money to take care of yourselves with. And even when I am gone both of you will still be getting the money that was supposed to go to me. Even though we haven't none each other long I trust both of you with Taehyung." Jin said smiling with tears clouding his vision.

Both Jungkook and Yoongi were shocked at this news

Jungkook's and Yoongi Thoughts

What in the world. He trusts us this much. This is so sad even though we haven't known him for that long we have grown close and we don't want anything to happen to him. With this Taehyung will be devastated which is going to break his heart into a million pieces. We will protect and watch over him for the rest of his life.

"Jin you didn't have to do all of that but you don't have to worry I will watch over and protect Taehyung." Yoongi said.

Jin smiled.

"Thank you Yoongi. What about you Jungkook?" Jin replied and asked at the same time.

"I said it once and said I will say it again. I will live and protect him with my heart and soul." Jungkook said trying to sound as tough as he could even on the inside he was slowly breaking on the inside.

Jin smiled and nodded.

"I can finally pass away in peace knowing that they will take care and watch over you while I'm gone. I know that you will be sad and upset that I am gone. I can't promise you that the days will get easier it will be a tough road that you are going to go down. Taehyung I love you......." And with that John closed his eyes with a smile on his face.

"No Jin you're not going to die not yet it's not your time. All I have to do is find Namjoon." Taehyung said.

With that he disappears into thin air and then reappears with Namjoon right beside him.

Jungkook and Yoongi look at each
other shocked.

"Namjoon there is no time to explain. I need you to kiss Jin right now he is dying and I know that you both love each other. You are the only one who can save his life." Taehyung said desperately.

Namjoon slowly nodded trying to take some of this in.

Namjoon slowly made his way over to Jin's bedside and he kneeled on one knee. Kissed Jin right on the lips.

A few minutes passed.

"Why isn't anything happening?" Namjoon asked with glassy eyes.

All hope was lost until they heard a small voice.

"What happened am I dreaming why are you all still here?" Jin asked weakly.

Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Yoongi all had tears streaking down their faces.

"Jin it was Namjoon's kiss that saved you after all he is your soulmate. Nowhere one of you realized it and I helped you both realize it." Taehyung explained.

Jin was safe and they all fell asleep peacefully piled up on Jin's bed.

Until next time....

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