Chapter 8, Shopping

Começar do início

I found a cute addidas sweater and sweatpant wich I chose.

Gabriel was in the shoe section looking for shoes for me.

Pretty sure that I needed shoes after all, the ones I'm wearing are looking terrible.

"I want you to try these two shoes" he said, with a smile.

After some time, we finished shopping in sport expert then went to Loui Viton, Guess, Nike, Addidas, Tommy Hilter and Walmart.

I litterly had to beg for the twins to take me to Walmart wich they of course declined so many times cause they said that the clothes at Walmart were horribleand that they'll be embarrassed for life if they ever steped, in a store like Walmart. At the end, Gabriel and I went there and the twins stayed outside while we shoped, in Walmart.

I just don't really understand why they need to shop in expensive stores when they can just buy the same products or clothings, in other stores less expensive.

Gabriel and I bought some hoodies, shirts, jeans, sweatpants. He also bought some skirts and shorts wich I am never going to wear because of my bruised, ugly legs.

"I think that we should take some accesseries for your room." He said, with a soft smile.

" I don't need them"

"Come on, let's go"

"Fine but not to many" I said.

I don't know why but when I'm with Gabriel, I feel pretty comfortable not like my other brothers.

He took a white, pink and black pillow for my room.

After getting checked out, we went to McDonald's and ordered some chiken nuggets, 6 mcflurries, some fries, 5 apple pies and 6 bigmacs.

"I need to go to the bathroom and I don't know where they are." I wispered to Gabriel.

"Oh ok, just go straight and then turn left, you'll see a hallway that'll lead you to the bathrooms wich will be at the end of the hallway." He said.

I thanked him and got up.

To be honest, I didn't need to go to the bathroom but I sure did need to go back to Walmart to buy a weight machine that'll show me how much I weight.

I got into Walmart and found the aile where it was.

I took one look at the machine and ran to the check out section.

I needed to be quick for my brothers to not be suspicious about me being gone.

After getting out of the store, I sprinted to the McDonald's section of the food court.

I went to the bathroom first to make it look like I got out, cause my brothers weren't too far, from the bathrooms.

Suddenly, I felt like someone pushed me.

I opened my eyes to be on the ground.

I looked up and saw a man looking down at me.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to push you." He said with his scary smile.

This is so weird, what was this guy doing beside the womens bathrooms while the mens room was on the opposite side of the womens bathrooms?

He gave me his hand wich I hesitantly took.

"Again I apologize, I didn't mean to push someone, specially a little, fagile child, looking like you" he said with his weird smile, that made me think of Chad, my stepfather.

He has the same smile as him and look a little bit like him.

"I-it's o-okay" I said trying to get away from him, as soon as possible.

Something about this man, didn't feel right.

He had a creepy smile and eyes that most stalkers usually have.

I didn't mean to be mean and all but he does scare me a lot.

I started to walk away from him when he suddenly held my wrist, wich made me flinch.

I looked back and was about to say something back at him but he beat me to it.

"Sorry, their's something over here, let me get it for you" he said, making his right arm come closer to my left shoulder.

"Can y-y-you p-lease s-sto-p" I said, stuttering.

This guy gives me bad vibes.

I feel like I seen him somewhere but can't remember.

Maybe when I was young, I maybe saw him but I don't quite remember knowing him.

"No need to be scared, little one, until then, have a nice day, pumkin, we' ll meet soon!" he said and left.

Why did he call me like that and what did he mean by "we'll meet soon"??

I look behind me and see no one.

It seems as if he just vanished from thin air.

Maybe this was just my imagination and he didn't call me "pumkin" and that he didn't say "We'll meet soon"??


I should get going, I probably already made my brothers suspicious about me.

I took my bag from the floor where it contains the weight machine that I had bought, a couple minutes ago and headed out to find my brothers, on their phones and eating like animals.

Seriously how do they eat that much??

We'll Protect YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora