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I didn't know but I responded

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I didn't know but I responded.

"I miss you," she said, I smiled.

"Hey, what are both of you doing?" That voice, I look at her back. She also looks too.

"Wahhhh, sissy I miss you" she runs and hugs Amaris.

"Iris, you're back"

"Yes the one and only"

"So... You and San are dating?" Iris looked at me, she just smirk. Tsk, I know what she will do.

"Yes, I'm staying at his house" she pulled Amaris and leave me alone here "You know San is so wild at bed" I gasped when I heard that little voice of her. I'm sure I need to explain it to her.

My phone rang, it was Castiel.

"Hey, buddy where the hell are you?"

"To the place where anyone of you is gone, why?" I heard him chuckle.

"We're here in the garden, let's have some drink"

"Yeah, I'm coming"

"You Cumming?" I heard him chuckle. Tsk.

"Shut the fuck up jerk," I said and hang up the call. I went there and they are all sitting on the grass.

"San, sit here," Iris said and Pat the area beside her, I went there and sit. She lean on my shoulder and coiled her arms to mine. We are sitting around.

"Woah, something smelly here" I smiled.

"Okay let's start" my eyebrows frown

"What are we gonna do?" Iris ask.

"We play Thrust or Kiss," Ace said and smirked. *pak.

"Aw, that's hurt Heather, what's your problem?"

"You!" There's something between them, I see it.

"What?" Ace touched his head where Heather hit him. He deserved it.

"Cut that, let's start" Artemio put the bottle in the middle then spin. The bottle stop.

"You're the first," Artemio said.


"So... Ace Truth or Dare," Artemio asks.

"Dare," Ace said and smirked. Brave huh.

"Twerk in front of Heather" I smirk.

"NO!" They both said. We all laugh because of that, they glared at each other.

"Yes Ace"

"Okay fine" we all laugh when Ace dance like a wood.

"Done," he said and sit.

"Spin the bottle, Ace" he spins it as Art's command. We look at her when the bottle stop.

"You're next" Ace smirked.

"Okay fine, dare," she said without hesitation.

"Kiss Sandro Torridly" my eyes widened, but I compose myself so they did not know that I'm shocked. I'm just waiting for her to move first, she leaned on me and pulled me close. Her sweet and soft lips touch mine. As Ace said she kiss me Torridly, they all yell when I responded. She stops and looks at me.

"I'm done" I'm stuck.

"It's already done San, you want more?" Tss, they tease me.

"Why not?" They all gasped.

"Woah!" They all cheer me up.

"We have a guest room San, you want to have some exercise?" Artemio said. I smile at him.

"Ahm, excuse me, I have to do something," Amaris said to Artemio.

"Sure, Hon" tsk. Amaris stand and leave us behind.

"I know you want to talk to her, so... Go!" She whispered.

"How?" She smiles.

"Ah, Art can we borrow the guess room?" She asks.

"Sure" Art agrees.

"Thank you" she pulled me "I'll wait for you here," she said and enter the guest room. I look around and found out Amaris was in the kitchen. I walk to her.


Forbidden Love 1: Bed of Roses [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now