The Princess of the Skies

Start from the beginning

"Uh , Thalia ?" Luke said .I turned towards him , he was holding a weird box with designs on it. "There's something inside this. It's protected , but I think I can break it . Should I try ?" Hal spotted the box and laughed "You will not be able to open that box , boy..Many have tried , it is a treasure reserved for the greatest of heroes , a child born of Zeus himself. " " Open it " , I told Luke. " That might be what Amaltheia wanted me to find.  I got excited , maybe this was a gift from Dad , meant for me . Luke nodded ,  concentrated and after a few seconds the box opened with a clack.
He was so good with that stuff . But i suppose demigods were all sorts of special..Luke was really impressive , but now this random guy flew out of a burning house and apparently saved Hal's life. It was a sore spot for me - this guy flying ...despite my dad's dominion over the sky and the winds , I was ..uh .. scared of heights..It looked cool from below ,but actually staying aloft ? Not my cup of tea.
"You ok?" Luke asked , handing me the open box ."Yeah , just thinking about what treasure could be inside this " As I reached into the box , my enthusiasm faded. Inside was a bracelet. Just a bracelet. It was a pretty , silver bracelet , but come on ! What sort of demigods treasure was a single bracelet? Luke , me and Hal stared at it .

PERCY (a while ago)

"That's horrible! Apollo , I can't believe you'd do something like that." I was shocked. To take someone's voice away was bad enough, but to curse him so that he led innocent demigods to their death ? unimaginably horrific.
"You don't understand, Perce..his crime was heinous." "What crime ? " I asked him "He saved a girl's life . How is that a crime?" Apollo stared at me and his clear his usually clear blue eyes grew foggy ."He changed Fate , Perseus. That girl was supposed to die that day. Do you know what happened after ? She married and had a child before Fate caught up with her. Only this time her husband and child died with her." That stumped me. Could chain reactions really do something like that ? "The Fates do not like it when someone disturbs their tapestry , Perseus." His eyes cleared again " But still , it's been long enough and he's still remained loyal to me. I think he has understood by now why I punished him ."
" So I have to free this guy ? " I confirmed with him . " Yeah , free the guy , get the box with the bracelet , give it to your Sister ! Mission accomplished!"
I wondered if Apollo had forgotten about the monsters he said were inside ..."There are invincible monsters inside , Apollo. What's to stop them from killing me?" "Don't worry about those" Apollo waved me off , "they're  unable to be hurt by metal.
Lightning works perfectly well , and you'll find a recipe for Greek fire inside . You know
how to prepare it. " Oh , well.. that was slightly better , I'll admit . "Alright, I'm ready ." Apollo waved his hand and a golden Mercedes appeared out of thin air . "Cool . I can't send you there by my powers , since quest and all.. but I can send you there in style. Oh , and don't worry about driving. Just think of the destination. made  by Hephaestus..awesome stuff. Just Watch out , Ok, Perce ? I'll send Alex and Lyra over if you get yourself in any trouble." I smiled and nodded . "Thanks , Apollo."

I remembered visiting the creepy house after that. I definitely remembered hearing Zeus' and Apollo's (fake) voices calling me upstairs. I remembered meeting Halcyon Green, who could now speak due to Apollo returning his voice on condition that he not look into the future any more. I remembered talking to him as I prepared the Greek Fire . Then my memory blurred . I realised that I had never called lightning while indoors. And even Zeus' power was diluted here . I concentrated with all my might and summoned a bolt , but I'm not sure where it hit. I grabbed the box which should have the shield in one had , Halcyon's shoulder with the other and tried to fly. I prayed to my Father for help as the house exploded below me and I tumbled through the air. I couldn't remember anything after that .
When I came to , I immediately took stock of my surroundings as Apollo had taught . My arms and legs were free . The necklace with two lockets which concealed my sword and bow were still there , which meant I was probably in safe territory. Then  I opened my eyes and saw Hal and two others - a guy and a girl who looked about my age staring at the bracelet which contained Aegis , demigod version. The girl seemed familiar somehow, though I had never seen her before. As she realised I was concious and turned towards me , I understood why. It was her eyes - they were the intense electric blue eyes Father had as Zeus. So , this was Thalia Grace - daughter of Zeus , my adoptive sister , or... uh .. biological aunt .. but she probably wouldn't appreciate being called that . Her outfit was black . totally black - boots , jeans and tattered leather jacket.
"Hi , " I told her .. "Thalia , right? "
She nodded "Yeah , but it's a little weird that you flew out of a burning building and  know my name . So who are you? "
" Percy . Perseus , but I always prefer Percy . Father sent me to make sure you were fine , but seeing as you got Aegis without my help , that was probably unnecessary.  "
Thalia frowned "Aegis? Isn't that Athena's shield? Why would I have that ? " I pointed towards her bracelet . "That's Aegis. Say its name and you'll see. It's been modified so that demigods can weild it without spontaneously combusting . "
She activated the charm and immediately the rest of us had to look away. The visage of Medusa in the shield was.. horrifying. Worse than Apollo's haikus , something I never thought possible.
"Ok , that's seriously cool ." Thalia sounded ecstatic "So.." she started when I sensed something. I turned , but couldn't see anything. The other guy also seemed to get the idea as a growl reverberated around us . He reached into his pockets and drew a - baseball bat ? Why - what?
I bought out my sword. The baseball bat guy nodded at me. "Name's Luke. tell you more about myself after we defeat the monsters . " " Cool , I'm Percy . Nice to meet you. " I led them down a street where my car was parked and I desperately wished the car wasn't so flashy ... there was no way we could hide from the monsters in this. Luke , Hal and Thalia stared at the car , slack jawed . "That's yours?" Hal asked . Thalia followed with "Right.. definitely a son of Zeus , then ?" and Luke asked "Are you a god ?" "No." I told Luke "and the rest ," I turned towards Thalia and Hal "is a very complicated, long story. Will tell you after we defeat the monsters. "
There was a banging and howling coming from one of the alleys. With no time to waste , the others got in and I started the car with a clear destination in mind - Camp Half Blood.


(A/N : Yes , you're right. They didn't meet Annabeth here. She might  appear later though. Who knows?
In case you didn't figure it out , I can't write action scenes well. I'll try ,for the next chapter where we meet Mrs Dodds and her demonic family . Yay!
I know a lot of descriptions are from the demigod files book , but it felt right to include them. Hope you enjoyed. Unbelievable number of people are reading and voting in my story and these multitudes have my sincerest gratitude.  Also , I appear to have broken my previous record for longest chapter yet . Woohoo :)

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