[Chapter Two] Great Heights, Greater Falls

Start from the beginning

Chris: "So, for the Killer Bass, that's 8 jumpers and 2 chickens. We're missing one." 

[He looks over to Sadie and she and Katie are holding onto each other like lost puppies. They go on a spiel about how they wont jump unless they're together, so after a bunch of pleading and Izzy volunteering to switch, Chris moves Katie to the Killer Bass and Izzy is moved onto your team. As expected, the two hold hands and jump over the cliff together, landing in the safe zone.]

Chris: "Alright, that's now 10 jumpers and 2 chickens. Screaming Gophers, if you can beat that, then I'll throw in a cart for you to carry your supplies in!"

Trent: "Nice! Alright guys, who's up first?" 

[As with the Killer Bass, you all just stand there awkwardly not wanting to jump. Heather says she isn't doing it, then when Beth asks why, Heather goes on a spiel about how she's on live TV and she doesn't want to get her hair wet.]

Gwen: "You're kidding, right?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, what Gwen said-"

Lindsay: "If she's not doing it I'm not doing it."

[This sets Leshawna off as her and Heather get into an argument, insulting each other and surprising you and the rest of your team. Soon Leshawna had enough and full on picks up Heather, and chucks her over the ledge. She lands in the safe zone. This makes some of your teammates gasp, while you and Gwen laugh. ]

*Confessional Booth*

Gwen: "She totally had it coming to her!"

(Y/N): "That was the best thing I saw all day!"


[Heather blows some of her sopping wet hair out of her face and looks back up to the cliff and shouts.]

Heather: "Leshawna! You are SO dead!"

 Leshawna: [She yells back down.] "Hey I threw you into the safe zone didn't I? Now I just hope I can hit it too." [She says to herself as she jumps over the cliff, luckily making it into the safe zone where Heather is still in the water.]

Lindsay: "I thought this was going to be a Talent Contest?" [She says worriedly.]

Chris: "Haha- no."

[Lindsay jumps over and makes it. You turn to Gwen.]

(Y/N): Soo- do you want me to jump first or would you rather go ahead of me?"

Gwen: "I'd prefer if you went first.." [She tells you with a hint of worry in her voice.]

[You nod and go over to the edge to make the jump, but before you can Gwen calls your name, you look over to her.]

Gwen: Hey- (Y/N). Be safe.." 

[She says with a hint of embarrassment and worry in her voice. She looks at you with a sort of scared look on her face, you give her a sweet smile.]

(Y/N): "Worried about my safety, hmm?"

Gwen: "Well, yeah, b-but that's only because you're one of the only people who's actually worth really talking to."

[You laugh and reassure her.]

(Y/N): "I'll be fine Gwen! Don't worry."

Chris: "Any day now (Y/N). I don't get paid enough to stand here getting sun burnt."

[You nod and dive over the edge, safely making it into the safe zone. Gwen looks over and sighs in relief before jumping over herself and landing in the safe zone, where you help her up onto the boat.]

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