"I want to spend more time with you, Ms. L/n."

He lies.

Your eyes widen at the unexpected answer.

"What?" That's all you could say, you couldn't think of anything else to say to that response.

"You heard me, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. Since we have to see each other almost everyday I figure this would be the perfect time."

He lies.

"The perfect time to you is when I have to avoid a predator that could harm me?"

He nods his head.

"Fine, you can come escort me but as soon as we get to my house you leave."

"Alright, but first let's see where the costumers went." You both walk out of the room, you make your way to the main dining area. No one was in sight. The police weren't here, thats odd.

You could have sworn a woman was calling them. Mr. Afton walks to the hallway, you follow behind him. He opens Mr. Emily's office door, he was still at his desk doing paperwork.

"Oh Will, how did the party go? That was pretty short is everything okay?" He asks. You both walk in as he puts his glasses smd pen down on his desk.

"The party went well Hen, they enjoyed it. But they had to leave early because of sudden family news."

You look up at him in disbelief and confusion. Why was he lying to him? You thought, being oblivious to the fact that he lied to you as well.

Mr. Afton has always had a gift of getting his way through lies and emotionaly manipulating people.

"Well that's too bad, I wanted to try out my suit today. Well since that was the only party booked for today why don't we have the rest of the day off?" He says smiling.

"But sir it's only 10:24 in the morning." You say. Mr. Afton nudges you with his arm.

"Thank you Hen, stay safe now." He says, smiling slightly.

"You as well." You both exit his office. As you walk back to the dining area you pull on his sleeve. He stops walking and looks down at you.


"Why did you lie to him? He's your business partner." You whisper.

"Because like you said, it's unprofessional. It'd be bad for both of us if Henry found out."

Henry? So that's his name. Mr. Afton jerks his arm away, making you let go of his sleeve. You both continue to walk to the front doors. Just before you exit he stops you, putting his arm in front of your chest.

He sticks his head out, looking both left and right. That man wasn't in sight.

"Which car is yours?" He whispers.

"My friend drove me here."

"Ah yes the red head. Annoying girl if you ask me." You roll your eyes. "Follow behind me, we'll take my car." He grabs your hand and pulls you behind him.

For some reason the feeling of his hand touching yours made you heart throb. Just a little bit though. You both quickly walk to his car.

He takes out his keys and presses a button, making both of the doors unlock. He let's go of your hand, you quickly walk to the passenger door and open it. You get in the car, then close the door.

He does the same, he starts the car. As he drives out of the parking lot you notice no music was playing. You couldn't stand being in a car when there's no music.

You reach your hand over to the stereo.

"No." Mr. Afton shoos your hand away from it. You cross your arms and stare out of the window.

"Now, where to do live?" He asks.

"You should know, you live right across the street from me." You say, he suddenly remembers that you did live across from him.

"Where did this sudden attitude come from?" He grips the steering wheel.

"I'm sorry, I know you're just trying to help. I'm just really worried that he might actually find me."

You've always been paranoid.

As soon as that sentence came out of your mouth Mr. Afton got an idea.

"Then why don't you stay at my house for a few days? I'm sure he'll give up in that time."

He figured that he wouldn't give up, he would come and find you. It's almost like he was using you as bait for his future satisfaction. Or actually, it is like that.

"I guess that could work, but remember that great word? Professionalism?" You say, Mr. Afton rolls his eyes.

"I'm so done with that bloody word." He mutters.

You pause, maybe this was a good idea.

"I guess it couldn't hurt. But I need to get some clothes and shower stuff."

"Don't worry, I can get that stuff for you."

"What if he spots you? He could literally be anywhere."

"He doesn't know what I look like, I had the suit on the whole time. And for all we know he could have given up on you. We can never be too careful."

"I suppose so."

You Disgust Me.. (William A. x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now