Back to UA Class 1A:

Shira went back to the rest of the class annoyed because of certain Number 1 but she have chosen to leave it for later as at the moment she is in class and so she need to be patient and let it build up till she can let loose at the number 1 hero,

"Oh well. Shall we?" Aizawa said so the lesson can start, his voice is monotone and bored, with that was a sign 13 takes over to start the lesson,

"Before we begin, just one thing...or three maybe four..." 13 listed off as the students are just thinking 'They are just increasing' as 13 lists off continuing, "I'm certain you're all already quite aware, but..." 13 tones gone to the seriousness to show how important it is, "My quirk is called 'Black Hole.' No matter what material may get sucked into its vortex, I'm afraid it will turn into dust." her voice was so serious but none of the students other than Shira seems to notice this change of tone and attitude, this made Shiraheart clench and felt her heart became heavy as she clenches her hand into a fist, feeling her nails dig into her palms as a memory from her past flash through her mind,


As the smell of petrol covers her surrounding, images of limp hands hover a few inches from the ground as the red liquid runs down the arm to the fingers till it hangs a few seconds from the tip till it falls and hit the dark black ground, long black hair spread covering the ground. Muffled sounds can only be seen from people shouting and screaming around her, her heart so heavy that it could be made her feel drowned and suffocating that she can no longer breathe, as there was no more air entering her lungs but yet her mouth was wide open as though she was screaming...

She snapped out of her memory as it was interrupted by Midoriya, "Now that's a quirk that's perfect for removing wreckage and saving people injured by disasters!" Midoriya said with a smile on his face and Ochako violently nods her head in agreement bit Shira just let out a sigh, She looks down at her hand to notice that her nails dug too deep through her skin lucky it didn't bleed but she was shaking quite a bit from the memory, as her attention turns back to 13 who is speaking,

'yeah, it is an amazing quirk and hard to control or even dangerous, Ana-san has worked really hard to have some control over her quirk to not be a danger to anyone, she truly is a hardworking hero, and means a lot for her to be one, she is a great hero,' Shira thought about as she looks at 13, she had a small smile on her smile a gentle smile.

" is, however it is a power that can be easily be used to kill other people, and that is no different from the quirks of everyone that are here," her words made everyone silent as they thought of her words carefully and into consideration, "Naturally this is a society of superhumans, quirks are strictly regulated, and the requirements for their lawful use to enforced. We can tell at a glance that is the make-up of this world. During Mr. Aizawa's physical strength test you have learned of your own respective power's true potential and during All Might's trial of battle, I think you took away some true sense of the banger of brandishing those powers against another," 13 explained to the students more, "This lesson will serve as a fresh start! Let's get to studying how to wield our quirks for the sake of human life, your quirks emphatically do not exist to hurt others," her voice has lighten up as she also filled the students will excitement, "Please leave this exercise having fully understood that your quirks exist to help people!"

'No.13!! He is so cool' every student except Shira thought, "That is all! You have my gratitude for listening so intently and patiently!" 13 said to everyone as she bows as though she was ending a show.

"That was awesome," Ochako shouted in a high tune and excitement after 13 spoke as her arms were moving as though is they were doing small punches, and her face covered in a bright wide smile,

"Bravo!! Bravo!!" Iida shouted as he claps his hands, he stood up straight as his mouth are open wide as he shouts so to load,

"All right, first thing's first..." Aizawa said with a bored tone of voice as he points down to where the massive fountain he leaned on a railing as his right-hand warped into a grip on the railing. while he was speaking a speck of black-purple can be seen if looked closely, Without anyone noticing as the black-purple gets bigger, it was like a smoke appearance,  Aizawa and Shira felt an uninvited presence and so this brought both of their guards, and the black-purple smoke seems to get bigger until some figure of people came out of the smoke. "Huddle together and don't move!"Aizawa shouted in alert as Shira goes into alarm and got ready for a fight.

"eh," the students are confused as to what was happening as they were expecting to get into the lesson but now they don't know. they were not too sure what to do at the moment as they do not understand what was going on,

"No.13 protects the students" Aizawa shouted to 13 as he gets ready to take action, more people starts to come out of the black-purple smoke, and 13 got on guard, ready to protect the students,

"What is that!? Is this like that training pattern at the entrance exam?"Kirishima asks wondering if this is part of the lesson as he is getting unsure and nervous as his heart was beating rapidly as he has no idea as to what is happening and getting a bit scared, not just him but all the other students to are feeling the same way as him, well except for a couple of students,

"Don't move! those are villains!!!!" Aizawa told the students, as he puts on his yellow goggles over his eyes, this made everyone panic as more villains come out of the black-purple smoke, so many villains that it covers the whole lower ground and more a still coming out making the amount much more, as two bright yellow shape eyes appear from the black-purple smoke,

"...Eraserhead and No.13...according to the teachers' curriculum we procured yesterday Mr.All Might be meant to be here, and yet.." the black-purple smoke spoke as it seems to change form as it swirls around the air,

"I knew it. So yesterday was the doing of your louts.." Aizawa said as his capture scarf slowly levitate off his shoulders getting ready for action and to protect his students when a quite deep yet light and raspy voice interrupted, 

"Where is... we went through all this trouble and rustled up so many of us to bring along, you can't tell me All Might the symbol of peace...isn't here..." as the person who skies light blue hair but covered with severed hand spoke, he threw his head back as he spoke those words, "I wonder if he'll show up if we kill the kids?" this words scares the students as they all felt as though the temperature of the whole place drop, the frowned their brows together as their eyes are wide from fear, cold sweat starts forming on their forehead as tension builds up in the air as though the gravity got heavier.

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