44 - Affection

436 7 3

(Y/n POV)

"Joohyun unnie, how can I help you?" I say putting my phone to my ear.

I watch Ryujin at the corner of my eye staring at me as I talk to my sister across the phone.

"Y/n are you busy right now?" Joohyun unnie asks.

Ryujin moves closer, sitting on my lap as I make eye contact with her, looking at her confused as I raise an eyebrow at her.

"No unnie, I'm not right now.. Why?" I ask as Ryujin leans in, feeling her gently place her lips on my neck. Her hands move to my waist squeezing them slightly.

I give her a glare to warn her but she just carries on with her movements.

"Oh, I'm just asking because it's my day off so I was wondering if we could spend some time together." My sister pauses, "since you know, we haven't been out together in a while."

I smile at the thought of just my sister and I spending the day together, but it quickly faded, biting my lip instead when Ryujin sinks her teeth into my neck as she starts to make marks.

I try to push her away but she won't move a single inch as she hovers over me.

I roll my eyes back trying not to make a noise as my sister is on the phone and I start to regain composure as I reply slowly, "uhm.. Sure unnie, I think can make it today."

"Great!" I hear her giggle excitedly across the phone, "then I'll pick you up at around five?"

"Y-yeah.. N-no that's fine." I stutter as Ryujins hands move to gently grip my thighs, continuing to kiss down to my chest.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Joohyun unnie asks.

I clear my throat as I sit up, "yeah yeah. I'm fine."

"Okay then, see you at five, take care." She says happily before I reply saying my goodbyes and hanging up on the phone.

As soon as I put my phone down Ryujins lips instantly retract from my skin and I shoot her another glare.

"Why did you do that?" I furrow my eyebrows at her slightly annoyed.

"Do what?" She looks at me cluelessly.

"What do you mean by 'what' Ryujin, you knew exactly what you were doing." I reply.

She shrugs her shoulders with a slight smirk forming on her lips, "I don't know what your talking about Y/n."

I roll my eyes, "you know exactly what I'm talking about Shin Ryujin." I say bringing her closer by the shirt, our faces just an inch away.

She stares at me not looking away, not even for a split second.

We sit in silence for a bit before I speak up, "so? Are you going to explain?"

She smirks, "it was just an excuse to kiss you and touch you."

"Really now?"

She nods, "yup.."

"Then you should have just said so." I reply pulling her closer so she presses her lips against mine, feeling her smile between the kiss.

She slowly pulls away for air and smiles.

"Don't you need to get ready soon?" She intertwines our hands together.

"Yeah I do," I glance at the clock on the wall, I've got about an hour and a half to get ready before Joohyun unnie is here.

"I'll go get ready now then." I say trying to get up, but Ryujin is still on top of me.

"Baby, get off me." I say and she shakes her head.

"Ryujin please, I need to get ready." I say again, attempting to get up once more but she doesn't move. "Are we going to have a problem here?" I pout at her aswell as furrowing my eyebrows.

She gives me a mischievious smile before my eyes widen, "Ryujin. Dont you dare." I shake my head at her and she smiles brightly her whisker dimples showing before I feel her quickly tickle my sides.

"Yah!" I say laughing, "Ryujin! Stop!" I try to defend myself, attempting to get a hold of her hands at my sides still tickling me.

"Ryujin!" I say loudly but she doesn't stop, "enough Ryujin!" I say firmly and she finally stops with a large smile plastered across her face.

"That was so mean of you." I pout at her making her giggle hugging me tightly.

"I know, I know.." She laughs, "but I just couldn't help it.

"Now will you get off me?" I sigh and she nods happily as she gets up and follows me to our bedroom.

I open my wardrobe and pick out a few clothes that I could possibly wear.

"I like that one better." I hear my girlfriend comment as I turn to her seeing her point at the nice black and white outfit I'm holding.

"This one?" I ask holding it up and she nods.

"You'll look 'bae-utiful' Y/n" she laughs.

I chuckle at her joke, "I see what you did there."

She laughs again, "I just had to.. God that was so cringy." She shakes her head.

I put on my clothes and go to the mirror to fix my hair and outfit, adjusting the black jacket I had on.

I hear Ryujins feet padding along the wooden floorboards as she goes to stand behind me.

"Wow." She comments.

I laugh as I go over to get my earrings in the drawer and go to the mirror to put them on.

"Wow." She says again.

I then finish fixing my outfit and glance at the watch I'm wearing, it's 4:30.

Brushing my hair back with my hand as I head to the shoe rack to pick out some shoes I hear Ryujin tailing behind me like a duck.

I pick out some timberland boots and sit down by the couch to put them on.

"Wow." I hear Ryujin say once more.

"Is that all you have to say baby?" I look at her, "wow?"

She nods like a child and replies, "yep, because you are wow."

I laugh at her childish behaviour and finish tying my laces before I hear my phone ringing aswell as a vibration in my pocket.

Digging my hand into my pocket I finally find it and answer it as I see my sister calling.

"Unnie." I say answering the phone.

"Oh Y/n-ah, I'm outside now. It's a bit early but--"

"It's okay unnie, I'm ready anyways. I just put on my shoes." I say standing up.

"Ah okay, in that case I'm outside waiting." She says.

I hum in response then she hangs up shortly after.

"You're leaving now?" I hear Ryujin say.

"Yes baby, I'm going now." I gently peck her lips and she smiles.

"Okay, then have fun. I'll catch up on my sleep while I'm here." She smiles making me laugh.

"Alright then take care," I say walking towards the door opening it to see my sisters car outside.

"I will and don't miss me too much Y/n." She smiles brightly as I walk out waving goodbye to my girlfriend approaching the car.

I watch Ryujin close the door hesitantly before I get into the car.

"So unnie, where are we headed off to?" I look at her.

"That's my secret, little one."

- Written By Dest1iny
- 1220 words

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