The Guest

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[ Edited ]

Yushiro went back to the garage first while you took care of the flying ship, already thinking of putting it in a nearby cave when your demon companion hurried towards you.

" The alien's awake."

The robot was indeed had woken up, but he seemed to be unable to grasp on the situation he was in. You and Yushiro decided to refer the robot as he and him considering he sounded like a male. The medical kit you brought was shrink and while there were few familiar items in it, some were not. Using the Shrinking gun on the robot came into your mind for a second but you dismissed the thought, seeing that his current condition was unstable.

Yushiro went to put on the pictures he took from the ship into the computer, opening a file consisting what looked like a robot anatomy. You, on the other hand, decided to have small talk with your guest.

Using a moving platform, you leaned closed to the side of his head. His eyes were closed, but occasionally he groaned and peeked opened his eyes a bit. You decided to wipe the blue liquid while talking to him. The robot noticed your presence when you began to wipe his shoulder plate.

" Hey there, big guy, " you softened your voice, " can you hear me? "

He let out a hum, eyes slowly opening to look at you.

" I am Tsugikuni (Y/N). Call me miss Tsugikuni. Do you remember your name? "

For a moment, he didn't answered and when he did, his voice was deeper than you thought it would be. You looked into his eyes and was mesmerized on how glowing the blue eyes of his. And how they seemed to be filled with emotions...but robots don't have emotions, do they?

" O...Orion...Pax...."

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Thanks to the file Yushiro took picture of, you both managed to learn the robot's anatomy better, despite not understanding any words from it. You were very careful on the process of attending the injuries. Good thing there were some familiar gears that you both could fixed on him. The chest area seemed to be the most vulnerable spot and when you went to fix the area, you noticed something glowing inside.

Orion's groan of pain took you back to reality and you hurried in with pulling out glasses' shards away from the glowing orb, seeing that the gthing must be like the heart for him. During the process, Orion would let out a groan to show he was in pain and a hum to answer any of yours or Yushiro's questions. You can't really ask him a lot, only things like " Does it hurt when I do this? " or " Tell me which part of your arm is hurting. "

By the time the sun was begining to rise, you and Yushiro had patched up enough parts so the leaking would stopped. Estimating it would take more than a day to finish with the treatment, you and Yushiro went to clean up for the day, letting the robot rest in quiet.

" He needs something to consume for his energy, " Yushiro said, " a file showed that this alien robot have this blue crystal as their daily energy stock. It could help with the lack of his  ' blood ' he lose. Problem is, I don't know what the crystal is and how to get it."  He handed you a picture of the blue crystal on his phone.

" Let's try ask Orion about it once he rested. Yushiro, I think I might have an idea on the cause of his landing on earth and injuries." You said.

Yushiro nodded, " I know what you're thinking. War."

" Yes, while we could consider the possibility of his ship crashing could be the cause of his injuries, the pictures we seen press more on the possibility of war in the robot's world. " The amounts of vehicles and machines you've seen being wrecked by missiles, bombs and guns these centuries you've been living through were uncountable.

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