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Please read the 'Introduction' chapter for more information.


IN the middle of the night, when only crickets and the sound of the owl can be heard. A bright ball of light appears.

"Important figures from TCF Dimension. Cale Henituse, Choi Han, Alver Crossman, Rosalyn from the Breck Kingdom, Lark of the Blue Wolf Tribe, Henituse Family, The Black Dragon Raon Mir, Pendrick from the elf village, Zed Crossman, Ohn and Hong from the Cat Tribe, Ron Molran,Vicross Molran, Bud Illis, Glenn Poeff, Priestess Cage, Taylor Stan, Venion Stan, Young Lady Amiru & Young Master Eric, Hannah and Jack, Mary the Necromancer, dark elves, The World Tree, Queen Litana, Commander Toonka, Eruhaben... The list just doesn't end, don't they? "

"This is a lot... It's more than I expected God of Time-nim... I don't think I can transport every one of them..."

"It's alright, some of them might still be asleep, so it's fine to transport them one by one, I'll stop the time once everyone is present"

"yes, thank you very much"


"ahh!" a younger-looking Cale Henituse shouted when he felt as if he was falling into his dream. His breathing was heavy and ragged, and his eyes were wide open, although, he could not comprehend where he was.

The Henituse Family, Deruth, Violan, Basen, and Lily, started opening their eyes as well. Deruth roamed his eyes around seeing that his 2 children are beside him, along with Violan. But he could not find his Eldest Son.

"Cale... Where's Cale?" he muttered in a panicked voice and looked around, seeing other people that he might and might not know. (note: Just to say, I don't want to hate Deruth so much, I just dislike him for what he did to og! cale. So I don't want to put so much hatred into his relationship with og! Cale.)

Deruth continued to look around and noticed that his hands are tied to the chair.

"This place... Where... Where am I?" The woman with hair as red as a rose mumbled. All she remembered was that she was resting after having a meeting with the crown prince along with his friends regarding the war that they are currently in. (not canon but this is what is currently happening in this World)

"Rosalyn Noona!" the young boy, Lock, shouted when he heard the familiar voice. He was about to stand up, but just like Deruth and the others, his hands are tied up as well.

"Just what the hell is happening" Choi Han grumpily mumbled and had a small scowl on his face.

They are all currently sitting on a chair that is mostly seen in movie theaters, however, they do not know that. Aside from the chairs, the ambiance and form of the place are just like the ones in the movie theaters. There's also a platform in front and a black screen was floating above it.

"Where is this place... " said the Crown Prince of the Roan Kingdom. More mumbles and questions were thrown, some with grunts and negative comments.

"In the heavenly realm" A woman with chocolate brown hair suddenly appeared in front of them, to be more specific, she was standing on the platform in front. Everyone turned quiet and looked at the lady in the front.

"My apologies for suddenly taking you all and dragging you here... Although it seems that everyone on the list is now present" she said with a relieved tone, transporting all of them here cost a tremendous amount of her stamina and power. Even though it was only the most important figure from this certain dimension, the distance they have from each other made it hard to reach them all at once.

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