Chapter 2

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(Well guys you asked for it here's the Next chapter good luck!)

Y/N looked at poppy with surprise as she was dusting herself off after she came out and dropped the metal crate down making a loud noise attracting your attention to her, she looked you after you've noticed her.

"Oh!....Uh sorry, I-I didn't mean to scare you." Poppy said a bit nervously.

'Well you already did' Y/N thought to herself rolling her eyes mentally but focuser her attention back to poppy.

"I'm fine thanks..." Y/N said, she was a bit hesitant since she didn't know if poppy was hostile as well or not but if she was willing to help her get out then she's fine with that.

Poppy then said. "I was just... Trying to get the power back on.. Here." Poppy steps aside showing you the power outlet to let you do your thing. (sorry I forgot what it is called ok?)

Y/N shrugged and used on of the hands to grab it and then went around one of the power panels and then the other and looked around a bit and saw another power outlet she then went to it and used the other hand and heard a ding meaning it worked.

Y/N then heard clapping and turned to look at poppy who was clapping at the success you made.

"Heh.. Um.. I wanted to thank you for freeing me, I was stuck in there for so long!... Thank you..." Poppy said with a soft voice and she did sound like she'd been stuck in that case for that long to sound that desperate to get out of it.

"You're welcome! Glad I could help you." Y/N said with a smile, but she still had her suspicion with her but she's gonna play along for now to see if she really wanted to help her in some way.

Poppy then went inside the vent previously went on and heard her voice echoing through the vents, Y/N looked up at the vents as she was talking.. "And I'd like to pay you back... There's a train station nearby and it needs a code and I have it, we're gonna get out of here."

"Well ok poppy whatever you say." You said to yourself, as you were still staring at the vents hearing her quiet footsteps echo in the vents.

Poppy then said. "As soon as you GET on up here!"

Y/N snapped out of it and shook your head. "Right!" You went to the vent you previously got out of, you suddenly saw poppy in the small vents right next to the other one, she was staring at you while waiting and used one of the hands to grab the pipes just above it and lifted yourself up and went inside the vent and started to walk back into Elliot's office.

Once you're back in there you heard poppy's voice again.

"Hey I'm up here!"

Y/N looked up and saw poppy again in the vents staring at you once again with those realistic like eyes of hers.

"I see you~" Poppy said and giggles a bit, Y/N felt a bit creeeped out about that, what was that all about? Was she trying to scare her or was she already showing her true colors. (AnD I sEe yoUr tRuE cOLors! Ok I'll stop-)

Y/N shook her head as she tried to focus back on the task thinking she was just messing with you with you, you looked back at poppy.

"I've been able to follow you through the vents, this way!" Poppy said and walked away inside the vents.

You were a bit hesitant, should you go in there? What if it was a trap? You didn't know what to do but with no other choice you have to, but the vent was too small for you to go in and decided to go the other way, you went outside the office and went to the left side and put both hands on the hand scanner, the caged door opened and went in.

You notice a big hole blocking your way to the other side, you notice some pipes on the ceiling above.

'Well somehow the stakes from my wannabe spider-manning just got real'  You thought to yourself as you look down in the dark abyss of the hole.

you used your grab hands to hold on to them and swinging across it and dropped down, you almost fell in but caught yourself up just in time, you then steadied yourself and walked on.

Y/N looked left and right and saw two white doors there, she tried to open each of them but they're all locked and decided to just move forward.

Y/N saw another white door right in front of her and opened to see poppy there, her back facing you, she was humming in a soft tone as she stared down to the abyss of a huge hole.

"Hey poppy... I'm here.. You won't believe it but I just spider manned-here!" You said, and looked at her what was going on? And why was she staring at the hole in front of her? Was there something in there that she doesn't know of? You weren't sure but you had to keep going as you made it too far to go and quit now just like that.

Poppy turned around to look at you, you walked up to her and crouched down in front of her poppy then said. "Listen I need you to trust m- KYAAAAAAAAAAA!"

As she was about to finish her sentence, out of nowhere a giant pink hand emerged from the hole and grabbed poppy and then dragged her down inside as poppy screamed, you panicked and peered inside.


Her voice echoed inside until it was silent, Y/N still stared down at the hole in shock.

"W-what the hell was that?!"You looked around and saw thay the other doors were blocked by the cage door, with no other choice you looked down at the hole and said.

"Hold on poppy! I'm coming for you!" You yelled out, not knowing if she heard it or not.

'Please just land on something soft!' You thought to yourself as you didn't know if you gonna die from the fall but it was a risk she was gonna take.

With that you then jumped inside the hole, unaware of the nightmares and terrors you're about to go into.

(Sorry if it's short I tried my best I hope you like it see you in the next chapter adios!)

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