Chapter 24

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"I need to find Dazai-san" – Atsushi mumbled as he and the young boy sit at the cafe not far from the amusement park.

"Atsu-niichan" – called the boy "Is mama coming here?" – he asked.

"I don't think that your mother will be coming here" – Atsushi answered.

"But you said we will find mama" – Fumiya pouted his lips and was about to cry.

"N-no, no, no, don't cry of course we will find your mother" – Atsushi is starting to panic "Say, do you know where you live?" – he asked.

The young brunette thinks "I don't know"

"You don't know?"

"Yes, I don't know"

"What was I thinking, he is only a child there's no way he would know. Well, I guess I have to bring him to the police station then" – the silver-haired boy said inside his head.

Just when Atsushi decided to ask for assistance from the local police the boy looks out the window and said "There! There!" – he points to something to which Atsushi followed with his eyes "I remember we came there!" – the boy added.

"Where?" – the young Omega saw the five black buildings from a distance "You mean those buildings?" – he asked.

"Yes! Mama and I live there" – he said happily.

"Your mom and dad?"

The smile on the child's face disappear "Yes, the boss" – he said.


Before Atsushi could further ask questions three men and a blonde woman wearing a black coat enter the cafe seemingly looking for something or someone.

"How can I help you?" – asked one of the workers of the place.

"Nothing, we are only looking for someone" – the female is the one to answer.

Atsushi became alert so he quickly docks with the child.

"What is it?" – Fumiya asked missing the sight of the people who entered.

"Shh..." – he shushed the boy "Let's go" – he said as they hide and quickly but quietly get out of that place.

Atsushi doesn't know when the gang group from Tokyo finally finds him as they are still searching for him so it's been in his instincts to hide and run when someone seems suspicious, which is also the same advisement from his coworker at the agency. Unbeknownst to the young Omega, they are from the Port Mafia and the female blonde is Higuchi, the bodyguard assigned to protect the child and his mother.

"Why are we hiding?" – Fumiya asked innocently as they start to walk away down the street.

Atsushi couldn't answer the question directly so he said "Isn't it fun to hide and sneak?"

The boy nodded "Like a detective!" – he said to which the Omega hummed and smiled.

"I know! I can use my phone to call an—" – he pauses when he realizes that he lost his phone at the park during the commotion. With a despairing look on his face "Just my luck! How will I contact Dazai-san now?"

"Dazai-san?" – Fumiya tilted his head.

"Should I bring him to the agency instead?" – Atsushi said inside his head as he looks at the boy.


"Dammit! Atsushi is not answering his phone!" – Dazai said with a frustrated tone and not long when he saw the young Omega's phone lying on the ground "This is bad, I need to—" – he pauses when he starts to smell a very familiar scent, it smells like "CHUUYA?!" – he then quickly looks around finding the source of the faint scent but he couldn't trace it "I'm sure it's Chuuya! Chuuya was here!"

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