And never mind the fact her father and husband's share the same views on such things, claiming them as scorns of the earth and must be eradicated and exterminated as if they were vermins. Part of the reason why Yukio and her father has more than once come to blows and never put a filter on when it came to his insults.

Back to Mitsuki's father, Mariko knew that as Noboru's parental figure in the house was not felt as much a normal parent in the house should be especially with his midnight rendezvous with Mariko can guess are different women, and meeting with suspicious business men. Noburo Mori was a minister of justice so he was as expected likely to be very much busy with work.

Succumbing to flattery to people of higher power than him.

In conclusion, not only was he a piece of dog shit but a cowardly one at that.

yet she couldn't help the slight tinge in her heart knowing he couldn't even show feelings of affection and care towards Mitsuki. Because for Mitsuki,her daughter deserves a normal life away from other mutants and she will do anything just so that she can give her the normal life she deserves.

Mariko knows more than anyone that she didn't care about Noboru as a husband much less a loving spouse ───knowing completely that they only both connected by paper and didn't have much expecting on a loving marriage but she draws a line when it comes to his attitudes towards Mitsuki.

Mariko Yashida was not meant to be a mother, she knew truly within herself that being a mother meant being tied never even had the desire for the role,

Because in her heart, being a mother meant being tied down and being miserable─ forever shackled in a prison known as her father's rules.

But now for mariko, she didn't care about the endless possiblities she could've had or the life free of the ties she would have cut if her little baby wasn't breathing. Because from day 1 Mariko knew what it meant to be a Yashida──── a family born of prestige and honor, untainted and treated as if were gods. Ever since she was a baby her parents told her that being one of the clan, she had to do everything to be the embodiment of perfection.

Rules of tradition has since young been instilled on her:

1. Never fail, always be the best.

2. Do as you're told.

3. Dont dishonor your family.

Honor and respect was everything in the family,that is why she feared the secret of being out.

She maybe be Mariko Mori now but she was first── Mariko Yashida the mother of Mitsuki Yashida Mori.

Presently, It's as if the asshole itself had a radar for people badmouthing him in their heads, the main door opened and in came the patriarch.

" Papa! " the little girl visage brighten up and stood up so fast and with her little legs ran straight towards the man and embraced his legs.

Noburo Mori was not one who was ever a responsible man and could ever be called as honorable. This fact was very much not a secret within the gossip of maids and servants in the Mori household, and especially for Mariko

Doning her poker face on lips pressed in a line, hands placed on her stomache as she stood up slowly in perfect posture and trying to hold back an irritating look as she starred at the man, when she watched as Noburo didn't so much as reciprocated her daughter's hug and instead lift one foot and the other and stood aside.

An awkward tension could be felt in the room as servants were glancing at each other in apprehension. Not knowing what to do, because now their Lady Mariko clearly abandoned her previous visage and could be seen sporting on a scrunched up look and annoyed eyes.

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