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" I'll protect you from everything and anything"

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" I'll protect you from everything and anything"

A young japanese woman was found sobbing with her head down, back hunched over and hands on her stomach as she was embraced by her red haired friend, rubbing her back and creating patterns to somehow die down her cries.
It didn't.

The Japanese woman was in a state  of despair for her and her unborn child, she was in a mix of emotions, she knew she was way too young to even care for another much less her child.She was way too unprepared for motherhood. She didn't know how to be one,for the only mother figure in her life was taken from her way too soon and growing up under her father's iron fist.

She cursed in realization.

Her father. What was she suppose to tell him? He would immediately banish her and never think twice about cutting her off. Her father has his morals and principles,and the family's honor was his obsession.

Shutting her eyes in anguish she knew what she has to do. Mumbling apologies and slowly stroking her stomach,her cries of desperation only got louder and almost immediately her red haired friend was already tightening her embrace.

"Mariko, what did Logan say?"
her red-haired friend quietly spoke.

"He didn't say anything " she said slowly, still trying to clear her voice.

"What?" She screamed in outrage "not even a word?" She continued to look murderous and glared as if she was already thinking of the many ways to murder the Wolverine even if he couldn't die, he could still feel the pain,and she'd drag it out excruciatingly slow.

The young heiress shook her head in disagreement, she wasn't keen on talking to the hot headed Mutant.
Besides she wasn't quite sure she'd even be able to get him to sit and have a lovely chat with tea.

Besides she knew,what they had was a one time thing only, an instance that was both fleeting and long gone.

"I didnt tell him" she admitted.

"Oh." Her plan of murder dissipated and was replaced with confusion.

She titled her head "what do you mean?"

"He doesn't know" "nothing?"

"Nothing" she answered.

The room suddenly grew quiet,both women were sitting in contemplation—  just letting the information sink in.

In a whisper,as if she was afraid that Mariko would start sobbing and break down again "so, what are you going to do with the baby?"

" I know what I must do"

"Mariko- " "and not a word to my father and grandfather"

The fear was there,she knew she was runnning high on fear and she was overdosed.

𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 ! ....... x-menWhere stories live. Discover now