"Had you told us the truth, you would not be here today," Homer began. "Now, I want you the level with me this time."

Anthony did not say any word. He looked nervous and was sweating profusely.

"Now, did you have any visitors during the last three or two days? Answer me," Homer's voice was intimidating this time.

"Yes, Sir." Anthony nodded slowly.

"Who are they?"

This time, Anthony was hesitant to answer the question, so Homer had to repeat the question, again with a threatening voice. Anthony swallowed hard and stared at Homer fearfully. He knew that if he told the truth, Victor or Vincent would kill him. If he lied again, he might land on jail.

Homer glared at him and said, "You know, I am a very patient man, but if my patience runs out, I'll have to extract information from you the hard way." Then he turned his attention to Major Obrero, "Major, will you be kind enough to light a cigarette for me?"

"As you wish, detective," Major Obrero felt for his pack of Philipp Morris and lighted one. He handed the lighted cigarette over to Homer. Homer moved the cigarette close to the face of Anthony—xlose enough for him to feel the heat.

"Now, Anthony. Who were your visitors?" Homer snarled.

Feeling the heat of the cigarette pointing to his face, Anthony stammered, "Victor, Vincent and three other people, Sir."

"Who were these three other people?" Homer continued.

"Leonard, Rodrigo and Merly," Anthony replied, "but I don't know their family names."

"Why did they leave Camanang in a hurry?" Homer moved away the lighted cigarette and handed it back to Major Obrero.

"They learned that Buencamino's campaign rally was moved to the sports complex, and they learned that you and some cops were in Camanang," Anthony said.

"Why are Victor and Vincent interested in the campaign rally of Attorney Buencamino?" Homer asked.

Again Anthony hesitated, but when he saw the lighted cigarette held by Major Obrero, he became sacred. So he said, "They want to kill him."

"Where are they now?" Homer asked.

"I don't know Sir. I swear to God, I don't know. Please!" Anthony pleaded.

It was at this juncture that Anthony's phone rang. He stared at Homer as he tried to feel for his phone.

"Give me that phone," Homer ordered.

Anthony handed him the phone. Homer stared at the phone and read the caller's name as Victor.i

Homer glared at Anthony and said, "I want you to answer the phone, but first, set it on microphone mode. I want you to ask him where they are, but don't tell him that you are here. Got that?"

"Yes, Sir," Anthony got the phone and did what Homer told him.

"Hello, Boss. Where are you?" Anthony tried to sound calm as best as he could.

"Where we are is not your concern. Where are you?" Victor demanded.

"I'm here Boss," Anthony stammered.

"Goddamnit, where!:" Victor yelled. Obviously, he was irritated.

"In the hut, Boss! I'm in the hut," Anthony said.

"You sound distressed. Are you alright?"

"I'm good Boss," Anthony replied.

"Nobody's bothering you?" Victor asked.

"No one Boss. I'm okay."

"Then that will be all. Okay, I'm out." And the phone went dead.

Homer started to chuckle and sheke his head. The information that he really wanted to know was again denied of him. Where the hell would I find those bastards? He thought. He looked at Major Obrero as if trying to solicit some answers. Major Obrero just simply looked at him and said nothing.

"Damn it!" Homer cursed.

Major Obrero spoke, "Do you want to ask more questions, Detective?"

Homer just shook his head, and sighed, "Nothing. No more."

"Then we'll just let this guy go," Major Obrero said.

Homer just simply nodded his head. He said to Anthony, "You're free to go. I'm done with you."

Anthony stood and was about to leave when Homer stopped him, "Wait a minute, Anthony."

"I thought we're through," Anthony complained. His fear suddenly resurged.

"Before you leave, give me your number and Victor's number," Homer ordered.

With some hesitation, Anthony retrieved his phone from his pocket, and searched Victor's name in the phonebook. He read the number and Homer jotted it down. Anthony then gave his own number to Homer.

"Okay, you can now go," Homer said.

When Anthony left, Homer again looked at Major Obrero and shook his head. Homer was a little bit disappointed because up to that time, he was still groping in the dark as to the whereabouts of Victor and Vincent. And tomorrow would be May 2, 2082!

The Open Coffin: Prelude to MurderWhere stories live. Discover now