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                Victor and Vincent were discussing their next move, now that they not able to secure a copy of Glenn Buencamino's campaign schedule. They never sent Rodrigo again to Alcala, nor asked him to contact Karen by phone because they feared that he, Rodrigo, was now the subject of close monitoring by Almendares. They decided that Rodrigo should keep a low profile for a while.

"We should implement our plan as soon as possible before Almendares can make his move. Then when we have finally eliminated Buencamino, we can simply disappear," Victor pointed out.

"So, how do we make our next move now?" Vincent asked. He, too, was anxious to get away for good.

Victor thought for a while, then he said, " You know, usually congressional candidates have coordinators in every town of their district. So, I think that Buencamino has coordinators in Urdaneta. If we can identify one of them, we can secure Buencamino's campaign schedule from anyone of them."

"But ,how in the name of good fortune, can we identify one?"

"Anthony is from Urdaneta, and that son of a gun has sharp nose for news," Victor replied.

He was right. Anthony had the ability to acquire news. Whenever he had the opportunity to go down to the city proper, he would buy some newspapers, especially local newspapers. That's why Anthony Galso was always updated of events transpiring in the province. Besides, he had many acquaintances who had the propensity of talking about politics.

Vincent said, "Then let's asked Anthony." He rose from his seat and walked toward the door. A couple of seconds later, Victor heard him calling for Anthony. He heard his brother say, "Come here, Anthony."

Anthony followed Vincent who walked back to the living room. Victor told him to sit down. Anthony took the chair to the left of Victor.

As soon as Anthony has taken his seat, Victor asked him, "Tell us, Anthony, do you know anybody in Urdaneta who serves as coordinator of Buencamino?"

"Why do you ask, Boss?"

Victor was somewhat irritated by Anthony's behavior,so he eyed him coldly, "Just answer my question,damn it!"

"Yes, Boss. I know one and and she lives here in Camanang," Anthony was intimidated by Victor's dagger look.

"Who is she?"

"Name's Mary Rose Correa from Zone 3, Boss."

"Does she know you?" it was Vincent who asked this time.

"Yes, Boss. We know each other," Anthony nodded.

"Okay, Anthony. I want you to pay her a visit and ask her if she has a copy of Buencamino's campaign schedule. Got that?" Victor said.

"Actually, Boss, Buencamino will have a campaign rally right here in Camanang. He will be accompanied by Mayor Cordova and some municipal kagawads."

Victor's irritation was replaced by excitement when he heard what Anthony had told him and Vincent, "When?"

"Third of May, Boss. That's what Rosing told me," Anthony replied.

"Rosing, who?" Victor asked.

"Mary Rose, Boss. That's how she's called..."

"Never mind that," Victor cut him off, "you can now go back to whatever you're doing. By the way, where the hell are Leonard and Merly?"

The Open Coffin: Prelude to MurderWhere stories live. Discover now