"And that's the reason for the stake out?"

"Precisely Major."

"Okay. Good luck to you Detective. I hope you will get him as soon as possible. Oh, by the way, Mayor Cordero ordered me to seal the complex tomorrow, not allowing anyone to get in. This is in preparation for the upcoming rally. I think we have to host also Governor Mendoza and Vice Governor Calderon. Our hands will be full these coming days."

"I'm glad to hear that Major. At least, we're doing something to protect lives," Homer commented. Well, Major, I've got to go now."

"Yes, yes. Wait for a while and I'll get you what you need," the Major called for one of the office personnel and told him to get the night goggles.

Minutes later, Homer was on his way back to Camanang with the five pairs of night goggles. He had high hopes that Anthony would show up tonight. His hopes would not fail him this time. Unknown to him, he was nearing to the conclusion of his investigation and efforts.

It was almost nine in the morning of May 1 when he got back to Chairman Nikki's hut. He found the four cops closely watching the nearby rest house. The four were happy to receive their night goggles. They even tried on them.

"Now we can watch that house and its premises clearly," Viray said.

"Well, let's just hope that our man will show his ass tonight," Jonas Santos added.

"I have the gut feeling that he will," Homer was very positive in his statement.

It was then that their attention was arrested by the engine of a tricycle coming. As the vehicle was drawing closer, they recognized the driver as Chairman Nikki. They noticed a small table placed on top of the sidecar. When the tricycle finally came to a stop, Chairman Nikki alighted and said, "Hey guys. Give me a hand. I brought you some food."

Viray and Lacerna carried the table under the canopy of the hut. Aquino and Santos carried the tupperwares containing food and put them on the table. Homer took the other tupperwares from the tricycle while Viray returned and carried a pot containing hot coffee.

"I know that you have not yet eaten your breakfast because you did not come to my house. So I brought you some food. Come on, guys," Chairman Nikki said.

The five lawmen hungrily ate their breakfast consisting of fried rice, fried eggs and hotdogs. While they ate, Chairman Nikki fixed his attention on the rest house. There's no one there, which means that Anthony Galso had not yet returned.

He remarked, "I doubt if Anthony would show up at this time of the day. But I'm inclined to think that he might show his ass tonight."

"That's what I think, too," Homer said after taking a sip of his coffee.

"I'll be back," Chairman Nikki told his companions as he headed toward the direction of the rest house.

Chairman Nikki walked farther south until he was about seven meters away from the rest house. He scanned the whole area at the back of the house. There was a cornfield west of the house, and beyond the cornfield were line of trees. He remembered that beyond those trees was a hut, most probably owned by the farmer who also owned the cornfield. He remembered the name of the farmer as Rolando Velasco. He walked closer to the house until he was at the back yard. The garage was still as it was the day before. He walked to the back of the garage, and there he noticed some footprints going to the direction of the cornfield.

The Open Coffin: Prelude to MurderWhere stories live. Discover now