Then Reuben Lacerna said in a low voice, "Hey Jonas. I think one of us should go back to the hut. Detective Almendares and his two companion cops might back any moment from now. They might be looking for us if they don't see us there."

"Okay, I'll go back. Be alert, buddy," Jonas Santos stood and hurriedly went back to the hut.

Sure enough, Homer, Christopher and Samson were already in the hut. Each of them had flash lights because it was already dark.

"Where are they?" it was Christopher Viray who spoke when they couldn't see Reub en Lacerna and Jonas Santos.

Homer saw someone coming. He aimed his flashlight at the incoming figure. Then he recognized him to be Jonas Santos.

Jonas spoke as soon as he recognized Homer, "Reuben and I went closer to the rest house because we could hardly see it and its vicinity. There were trees there that could conceal us. That's where we positioned ourselves."

"I think we need night goggles. Can we request these from Major Obrero?" Homer asked.

"We can Sir," Jonas replied.b

"Okay, you and Reuben should have your dinner at Chairman Nikki's house. We'll take your posts while you dine," was Homer's advice. He knew that SPO1s Lacerna and Santos were already hungry and that they need to take a bite.

When the two Urdaneta cops left for Chairman Nikki's house for dinner, Christopher Viray took Jonas's place, while Samson Aquino took Reuben's. Homer took his position a little further to the west where a clump of bananas was situated. There he concealed himself. The night was hot and Homer had to bring out his hankerchief to wipe the sweat off his face. During this time of the year in the Philippines, the temperature could rise to more than forty degrees celcius. The months of April and May are the hottest. It was the evening of April 30, 2082. That means three more days to go before Buencamino would launch his campaign in Urdaneta. Homer remembered that the town fiesta of Alcala had started. He concluded that on May 2, the peak of the fiesta, Glenn Buencamino would be one of the political luminaries who would be invited in the coronation night. The Miss Alcala is, by Alcala tradition, crowned on the night of May 2. Last year, Miss Alcala 2081 was crowned by Congressman Joseph Rivera. His third and final term would end on June 3o, 2082.

"Who would be the crowning guest this time?" Homer thought. Then he froze:what if Glenn would be invited as the crowning guest and keynote speaker? Hell, there's the possibility that the Cambas would take him down right in his hometown!

Instinctively, Homer brought out from his pocket his cellphone. He had to call Attorney Glenn Buencamino to find out if he would be attenting the coronation rites. A few seconds later, he heard Glenn's phone ringing. After a couple of rings, Glenn's voice came through.

"Hello, Detective. What's up?"

"Sorry for disturbing you Sir, but I just want to know if you're attending the coronation night for Miss Alcala," Homer said.

"Why do you ask? Let me guess. You're afraid that I would be risking my ass if I attend. Am I right?"

"That's correct Sir," Homer nodded his head as if Glenn was physically present.

"No, I'm not attending. I've got my hands full on May 2. I have to host dozens visitors mostly my relatives and Myra's. My younger brother has just arrived from Germany, and he's at home in Manila right now. He will be coming to Alcala on May 2. Then I have to host Congressman Rivera and his aides at night. So I can't attend the coronation night."

"Okay, I got it, Sir," Homer breathed a sigh of relief, and Glenn heard that.

"Happy now Detective?" Glenn laughed at the thought of Homer feeling relieved.

"You bet I am Sir. Okay I've gotta go. Good night Sir," Homer hanged up.

Homer smiled at himself. At least Glenn would be safe on May 2. But what about on May 3? His smile suddenly disappeared.

"Damn!" he muttered, "I must get those bastards before they get Attorney Buencamino. This is my last case, and I'll be damned if I don't get those sons of bitches!"

It was almost eight o'clock when Reuben Lacerna and Jonas Santos returned. Homer noticed that Jonas was approaching him. He was holding a flashlight.

"Our flashlights might betray our presence," Homer commented as Jonas stopped by his side.

"That's why we need night goggles Sir. I can go back to the headquarters tomorrow and ask Major Obrero to provide each one of us night goggles," Jonas said as he turned off the flashlight he was holding.

"Well SPO1 Santos, why don't you and Lacerna get some sleep, then relieve us at twelve?" it was rather an order rather than a suggestion by Homer.

Jonas nodded his head, "Okay, Sir." Then he left for the hut. Homer watched him disappear in the dark.

At that moment, Anthony had a big problem. He could not sleep because swarms of mosquitos kept on attacking him. He had no mosquito net or a mosquito coil to drive the damned insects away. So he had to smoke stick after stick to ward off the mosquitos.

He began to swear, "Shit! The goddamned crab might get me!"

This was because he always read on the pack of the cigarettes: Smoking Causes Cancer. Of course, he knew the bad consequences of smoking, but it was very hard for him to kick the habit. He went out of the hut and looked around him. It was pitch dark—and damn hot. He wanted to build fire, but he hesitated. The fire might attract attention, so he abandoned the idea. Next he contemplated on going back to the rest house and get his mosquito net. But it was too dark. He cursed himself for forgetting his flashlight. Perhaps, he should wait for the moon to rise, but it didn't. It was a cloudy night.

"Damn it!" he cried.

Then he remembered his lighter. Yes, he could use hiss lighter to light his way. He tried flicking his lighter, but the hot wind blew off the flame.

"Double damned it!" he cried anew.

The Open Coffin: Prelude to MurderWhere stories live. Discover now