7: ♡We Love Time♡

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Author-kun; Heyo my lovely lollies! TwT. I dunno how much I will be posting because of school, but I'll try to keep up with this and my studies. Finals week is coming up so for me and I'm getting really busy T^T. Please forgive me if it takes forever to put out a new volume, I get really tired after my days and don't get much free time anymore. I will be constantly posting though when my summer break comes up. My last day of school is May 26th, so if you actually like my pieces, that's when I will start taking requests and working a lot! As of right now, I'm just trying to keep some normalcy and practice for my schools. Anygays! (anyways) I hope you enjoy this volume! Bais!~ ♡


꒒ ০ ⌵ ୧ ♡ Time Skip to Four years Later  (人 ◕ω◕)

Why such a huge time skip!!? That's probably what you're thinking, screaming out, gasping a little, or just purely confused about. Well... The real story is starting sweets ^^...

!News Headline! Live!

"How do you feel Blossom!?  You are the number one Pro hero! The second female number one hero!! What are you going to do now!?" The male news reporter stops Miki on her patrol in the middle of the day. She turns and laughs a little. Her hero costume fitted her perfectly, even her hero name. "Well... I like it a lot, of course! But I'm not looking for fame, or money, or whatever people think the whole point of being a hero is. I'm here to protect the ones I really love and that includes my home!" "Is there anyone at home waiting for you!?" "!?! I-I uhhh-.. Well- Ha-... Yeah TwT. There is... But we aren't ready for publicity. It's not needed right now. I hope you all can understand that." "Of course Ms. Blossom! You are our idol now!" 

"Well- Don't think of my as just some figure. I want kids to look at me and think: 'that's someone I adore and respect!' or something like that, haha! Just because I'm a woman doesn't make me any different than the male heroes." "Your partnership! You are starting to work with Pro hero Dynamite, correct!?" "Haha, yep! I'm so happy I get to work with him out in the field. This world is a dangerous place and should be fought together, not alone. No ones alone now." Miki smiled brightly for the camera.

Fans and more reporters surrounded Pro Hero Blossom. She started to get overwhelmed and needed a quick way out. She looked at the cameras and hoped that her rescue was going to make a call to get her out. She nervously laughed and tried to answer a few more questions... It came in. Her rescue route, Bakugou, was watching the news from the shared office he had with Miki and called her on the work cell. "Ope! That's work calling! Bye everyone! Stay safe please!"

She weaseled her way out of the crowd and answered the call. "Thank you so much TwT. I'll be back in a few, ba-.. Dynamite -w-, hehe" Katsuki rolled his eyes a little, softly chuckling. "Had to get you out some way. Hey, I closed our books for the night.... I've got a surprise for you." "Alrighty, be there in a few!" "Cya soon, Blossom." He joked with her, they laughed and hung up one at a time, and Miki hurried her way back to the agency.

When she got there, she hurried up to the top floor, through the elevator of course, and slipped into the office. She had been gone all morning since 3 because of a robbery and hostage rescue that morning. She ran over to her precious boyfriend and crashed into him, wrapping her arms around him and nuzzling her face into his back. He was facing the windows and reading some files. "Woah-.. Careful there speedy Gonzales, haha."

"I missed you!" "I missed you too, Teddy bear." Katsuki set the files down on his desk and turned in her grasp, hugging her back and kissing the top of her head a few times. Recently, Miki's support group have made a more advanced hearing aids for her to help with better hearing, now that she is in the field all the time. She can hear a lot more and clearly, still foggy and blocked sometimes, but it's getting better.

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