Chapter 5 - 2: Truths

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As Moonlight directed Lottie and Ellie to use their power the correct way, she caught Jamie gazing at Lottie, dazed. She smirked to herself and sent a telepathic message to Jamie:

'Meet me at the rose garden after my waltz class. Do search properly!'

Jamie didn't know what she had in mind for him, so he sent back a message;

'Alright. When is it anyway?'

That seemed to slightly shock Moonlight, and she asked her Partizan, 'What time is it?!'

He answered, '4:00 pm, wh-'

'We're late!'

The royal trio watched as Moonlight and Ashwick rushing in and out of each room, wearing a new accessory each time they ran out one room. Ellie suddenly howled with laughter, Lottie struggled to keep composure, and even Jamie had a taut smile on his face.

'Madame Selene must be really mad! Let's go!' Ashwick said as he practically dragged his Mistress to the ballroom.

Lottie whispered to Ellie, 'Who's Madame Selene? Use your analyzation!'

As she scrolled through the number of results she had found, her face twisted into utter horror.

'It's Lady Pricilla...' she mumbled.

'What?! Lady Pricilla... in this castle?' Lottie uttered, in great dismay.

'Let's see. They're in the ballroom.'

As they peeked inside the ballroom, they saw Lady Pricilla, holding her cane as usual, but what really surprised them was the sight of Moonlight and Ashwick dressed beautifully, as if for an occasion, in a waltz position, although Moonlight looked extremely uncomfortable with it.

'Drop that scowl, Moonlight. You don't want to leave a bad impression on people.'

'I already have, by marrying my Partizan.' She gave her teacher another harsh scowl, and continued dancing, stiffer than before.

'You need to be less stiff, or it'll be harder to dance. I'll give you a quick recess first.' said Lady Pricilla.

'Oh, look!' Lady Pricilla suddenly said, before lowering her voice by one octave. 'The Maravish princess, her bad influence and her Partizan.'

Moonlight seemed to snap out of her trance as they walked into the room.  'Lottie? Ellie? Jamie? What are you doing here?'

'Are they your guests, Moonlight? They seem to have a form, like us already.'

Moonlight faltered. 'Yes, they are. I gave them their form because Luminous sent a message.'

'What?!' Her teacher's voice boomed like thunder. 'You're putting them at risk! Luminous is very dangerous. Do you expect them to fight for us?!'

'No, she doesn't. It pained her to make this decision. She gifted them the power to fight their own enemies.' Ashwick replied, so that Moonlight didn't have to. Tears welled in her eyes, the greatest form of vulnerability she has ever displayed in front of them.

'I'm sorry, ma'am. I know I'm endangering-'

'That's quite okay. Nothing the notorious Maravish princess can't do.'

Lottie froze. She was scared, now knowing that there was a new threat, but now involving another world! But, this is now more dangerous because the people here have strong combat power and powerful magic. She wondered if all of this was just a dream, and that she was just imagining things.

'This is not a dream, Lottie. Stay strong.' She suddenly heard Jamie's voice ringing inside her brain. 

'Thank you,' she thought in her mind. She felt rather nice, to be close again with Jamie after so long. 

'They can't, and won't fight with us. Luminous is too dangerous.' Moonlight hesitated. She then suddenly widened her eyes and let out an ear-piercing scream as she slumped against the floor, lifeless. Lottie flinched as she hit her head on the floor, hard. It had happened too fast for her to process.

'Wisteria poisoning... how disappointing.' Lady Pricilla said, as Ashwick carried her cold, lifeless body up. 'This is the third time this year. Stop being so emotionless around these type of things, Madame. Shichiko, send a message to the town that whoever poisons my mistress will be executed immediately.'

'Of course.' he replied. Shichiko is Moonlight's guard.

'Sorry I'm late!' A familiar voice called out. 

It was Moonlight, standing at the doorway.

Healthy, and very much happy.


'Sorry, that was my clone. I sensed some danger so I sent my clone instead of myself.' she said, slowly absorbing her clone back into her body. 'What's going on, and why are our guests here?'

Ashwick explained everything to her and nodded thoughtfully. But, there was still something that was bothering her. 

'We can't do anything yet. I've just received a letter from Phoenix. She has located Kokushibo, that stubborn traitor.' Moonlight explained to them, not realizing she has clenched her fists so tight they started bleeding. Golden blood rushed from her palms as she started working her healing spell on herself.

'Very well,' Lady Pricilla said. 'You are all dismissed.'

'May I remind you, that we are of higher position that you, Madame? Leave us alone.' Ashwick, quite literally, growled. 

'Will you stop your childish arguing, and move on to our 'Traitor Shinki' matter?!'

Oop! I finally updated. Life has been really busy now, and as I am still studying, I def won't post often anymore. Bye!

Secrets - If My Characters were in Rosewood ChroniclesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora