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Ranboo hesitates a bit before clicking the call button on his phone

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Ranboo hesitates a bit before clicking the call button on his phone. "Okay, here goes nothing..."

He doesn't know why he's so scared, he's the one who initiated the entire conversation. If anything, Luca should be the more nervous one.

Maybe it's because he never expected this day would come, meaning he didn't even get to prepare for what to say. He just wants to hear his voice again.

And Luca does too.

Why haven't you said hello, or hi, or anything?"

Lord i'm not your strongest soldier.
"Oh, hi Lu—
sorry my reactions are a bit delayed right now, it's just a lot to process."

/Lu./ Haven't heard that in a while.
"It's... alright, same with me.
What time is it over there?"

"Oh, uh, it's 4pm here. I'm guessing it's 12 over there?"

"Yeah it is, but I'll stay up for as long as you need me for. I cant let this go to waste."

"Hmm. Well, what do you want to do?"

"Let's try... asking questions? We haven't done much except talk about our past trauma."

"Hah, alright. Uh, how did you find my social media platforms?"

"Ah. Well I saw some clips, and even then I immediately thought that it was your voice. I kept watching your streams for a while for at least a tiny bit of... confirmation? To serve as proof that it's actually... you."

"Oh. Did you ever get that bit of confirmation?"

"You talked about the necklace once on stream."

"Oh? Our code word?"

"Yes, that one. I was a hundred percent sure it was you by then."

"Hmm. Come to think of it, I never really found out the meaning of that necklace..."

"You did mention that you struggled with your sleep without it, but that wasn't really my intention of giving you that necklace. I didn't even know it actually had benefits— I just thought..."


"You can search up the meaning another time."

"I'm searching for it now."

"No! I don't think that's necessary... uh, don't you have other questions?"

𝑶𝑷𝑨𝑳𝑰𝑻𝑬, ranboo x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now