"Okay, I'll go make some for you," you quickly left the living room hoping that she would be less uncomfortable. To your surprise, though, Bong-Soon had followed you and watched as you first made coffee before taking out a pot to put rice in. You tried to stay quiet thinking she wanted it.

"How did you and Namjoon-ssi meet?" she suddenly asked as you washed the rice.

"Hm? Joonie? Oh well, I was out for a picnic a couple months ago and I fell asleep. He was in his wolf form when he found me. He was sniffing around and he stole my lunch."

Bong-Soong had giggled at this and come closer towards you.

"Eventually, I lured him into the safe house and we talked and found out we were mates."

"Was it love at first sight?"

"I think for me it was," you smiled and wiped the bottom of the pot before placing it in the rice cooker, "But Namjoon knew we were mates before me. For him it was love at first sniff."

Bong-Soon giggled at this once again making you smile.

"Mommy says that she and daddy fell in love at first sight," Bong-Soon kept talking to you so freely, "She says that she and daddy made eye contact and danced the night away."

"That's really sweet Bong-Soon. Unfortunately, Namjoon isn't the best at dancing so we don't do it very often," you took out the carton of eggs from the fridge and placed it on the counter beside a bowl, "Do you want scrambled eggs or sunny side up?"

"Scrambled... Does he have two left feet?"

"Something like that," you smiled at her then cracked two eggs into the bowl. Bong-Soon gasped and came closer. She was on her tip toes and tried to look into the bowl, but was unfortunately too short still. You dragged a stool that you kept in the kitchen and gestured for her to stand on it. She happily hopped up and looked into the bowl.

You then took a fork and began mixing the eggs. Bong-Soon watched with delight.

"One day I'm gonna have a mate too!" Bong-Soon told you suddenly.

"Of course you will. You'll grow up and find a nice person in the free district to call your mate and you'll live happily ever after."

"Eonnie, can I tell you a secret?" Bong-Soon whispered.

You blinked in shock and slowly looked at the little girl, "What did you call me?"

"Eonnie...is that okay?"

You beamed and nodded, "Yes, of course,"

You tried to fight off a squeal and just breathed deeply. Hybrids, unlike humans seemed to keep the formality and titles when they spoke to each other. So for Bong-Soon to have called you eonnie, meant that she had recognized you as not just a human, but someone that was a part of her pack. It was a huge honor especially since this had never happened before.

"I already have a mate," she told you.

"A mate? Really?"

"Mhm...mommy doesn't like him very much but he's very nice...actually he...can I tell you and you won't be mad?"

"I won't," you said and stuck your pinky finger out to her. She enthusiastically wrapped her pinky around yours.

"Okay...the hybrid that Namjoon-ssi smelled last night...it's him. He's my mate."

"Oh okay...wow..."

"Please don't be mad! You promised you wouldn't be!"

"No, no, sweetie, I'm not mad. I'm just worried," you explained. Was the mate thing real? Was there a child out in the woods camping and waiting for the two?

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