where did you go

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inter monologue:(it's crazy how fast everything happened.. i had everything and everyone i could've ever wanted. how did we get here? how did i get here...)
you pause for a minute and look around at the broken structure of the old moldy house you're in.. a crack in the ceiling lets the sun creep into the room and catch your eye, you shake the thoughts out of your head and slowly get yourself up to look out the window..

y/n: "look at them out there... i wonder if they have thoughts, i wonder if they can remember.."

you mumble to yourself as you watch the three walkers drag themselves around. your "people watching" dosent last very long until another movement in the woods sparks your attention... it was moving a lot faster than a walker, it seemed as if they we're watching you from the tree line.. you quickly duck out of the window and take cover assuming they'd be like everyone and shoot but when they didn't you grabbed bag and shoved your empty gun into it exchanging it out for your knife.. you quickly throw your bag over your shoulder and run out the house in the opposite way of the stranger.

y/n:was that actually a person?! i've gone a year without seeing any.. oh god where did they go! this is it, this is where i die.. they were sitting right there y/n youre so stupid!!

you whisper scream to yourself while dodging past walkers.. while running you watch your surroundings making sure you don't see anything moving faster than a walking pace and to your surprise.. there's nothing but a whole bunch of dead meat bags... you keep a jogging pace until you get out of the woods, a direction you've never been in before.. all new ground. you stop dead in your tracks and look at everything around you.. how could anything in this world now be so beautiful.. your eyes wonder around the scenery of a giant pond surrounded by overgrown mossy willow trees and multi colored wildflowers, you haven't seen this much life in a while... you scan the woods behind you making sure there's nothing or NO ONE behind you.. and again nothing the walkers that were chasing you seemed to have lost interest in you cause there's none to be seen, you almost feel safe.. you walk over to the pond and watch the bullfrogs quickly jump into the water before pulling a rope out of your bag to throw over one of the tallest trees around the water.. you make sure it's knotted enough to climb up and once it's safe you hoist yourself up.. once up in the tree you pull the rope up and find a good few branches to sit/lay between.. you watch the sunset off the reflection of the pond and rethink everything that has happened starting with your family. you had everything you ever wanted you were happy.. the day the outbreak happened our town was the first to go, i guess it's cause no one knew what to do, well obviously they didn't... how could this ever have happened- your mom was getting out of her car after work you happily ran out to greet her but you wernt the only one running after her, a deranged looking woman came running from across the street missing part of her neck screaming all your mom wanted to do was help her.. but they all just crowded her and crowded her until you couldn't see her anymore, all you could hear was the heart breaking screams of your mom, you backed yourself into the house and slammed the door trying to process everything you had just seen was impossible all you could do was scream.. scream so loud your father ran out of his room from watching the news about the outbreak to see what happened but when he saw your moms car he ran out the house to her screaming.. he realized it was too late he didn't get to her in time he turned back to the house and tried running in but he was ambushed by a group of three living people that came out of no where and shot him... at that point you've ran to your little brothers room to hide him in the hidden attic door that's in his closet.. your emotional side was shut off you can't feel anything anymore now you're just trying to live with who you have left... you're awoken from your memory replay by a twig snapping, you quickly and quietly lay sideways in the tree and hug your legs trying to hide and listen to the steps of whatever was around but to your surprise everything was quiet again..you peek over a tree limb and search for what you heard only to see it's a person they've stopped in their tracks and it seems like he's tracking something or even someone.. it kinda looks like the person watching you from the tree line atleast the figure does.. he starts looking up in the trees and you quickly duck down into the tree holding your knife and closing your eyes tightly..

unknown: FUCK i cant see anything anymore! fucking walkers made me loose her track ...

his feet start moving again and the grip on your knife loosens you wait until the footsteps are far enough away to let your breath out you peek back over the tree and watch him walk away into the overgrown forrest..

y/n: who could he be and why is he tracking me.. i haven't seen a person in awhile.. what could i have done, why does everyone want to kill everyone..

you eventually fall asleep using your backpack as a pillow and throw jacket as a blanket

a/n: hii! so im not too sure who this is about yet and i don't know if it's good so if anyone reads this let me know if it's good enough ((:

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