Chapter Six: Ex Marks the Spot

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We drove home earlier that evening and his hand found my hand again, i have got kill these butterflies in me they're turning into beasts inside of me. I'm really hungry I spaced out today and forgot to ate lunch I was about to just sit and eat for hours and scroll for hours at the pastry shop but this guy right here decided to show up leaving me no appetite to eat at all up until now, I will never know how he found me it cant be a "coincidence" . I was totally spacing out again then I heard my stomach grumble.

"Woah, hungry are we?" Collin said now half smiling and laughing, i blushed at the sound of my stomach grumbling

"Well, sort of I guess, If you hadn't showed up, I would've been full right now" I jokingly said, thanks allot my dear dragon infested stomach for betraying me

"tell your dragon to hold on tight were getting Mcdonald's okay?"he said making a turn to the right and sped off again, how does he even know I referred to a dragon in my stomach can he read minds, if this is some twisted twilight movie and he ends up being Edward Cullen, i am gonna die, damn did he totally read mind? It would be whole lot of a different story if he reads what my inner goddess thinks of him or what I think of him? Im totally confused right now maybe its because i lack glucose. He pulled up to the drive thru and ordered up

"I'll have one Double Cheese Burger please with large fries and large coke please"

"Ana, what do you want i'll have whatever your having thats fine with me" I love Cheese Burgers they give me life though i have to stop eating fast food because its bad for your health but who cares, gotta love food.

"Okay then, ah miss make that two" Collin cooly said and rummaging for change in his pocket i handed him a $10 dollar bill just incase you know, he calmly returned it to me as we proceeded to the pick up window.

"this one is on me babe, dont you worry wouldn't want you and your pet to be starving now do we?" And this is the part where i want to burry myself six feet below the ground i blushed in an instant i don't know what to say to him.

"Uhh, Thanks Collin for the uhh food" wow really smooth Ana really smooth now he must think you must've failed english in high school since you cannot even form a simple sentence dang it. The inner goddess in me sits in her throne fanning herself casually now all glowing and glaring at me like i did something wrong. Damn it.

" No problem anytime babe, my pleasure" Collin looked at me and smiled, I think i might have just melted my insides are now in knots i no longer have the appetite to eat this delicious burger damn, why do i even feel this way towards him, i like him i do but i cant.. I cant do this i know he doesn't like me and I'm just giving myself false hopes and this, us? I just continued munching on my burger and some fries while sipping on this yummy filled cup of happiness ,I will be a fool to think this could ever work, for god sakes he's dating Gina Mercer Ms. smarty sassy pants, most popular girl in school more like his counter part. I'll never stand a chance. Then something started vibrating it was my phone i opened the lock screen and it was a message from Lily.

Lily: You better get your ass back home in 30 minutes or I swear to the gods in Olympus. I will send a search party out for you!

Me: Jeeez calm your tits, Im with Collin, Im sorry I forgot to text you, Im really sorry Lily.

Lily: Really? That's why he's disappeared too we've been calling him but all we got was his voicemail.

Me: Im so sorry Lily I completely spaced I really didnt mean to get you all worried

Lily: its okay just be safe okay? XO

Me: yeah thanks. XO

" So how many minutes till we get to the house?" i asked Collin since Lily texted me all worried already wouldn't want the others to get worried too or think that we did something.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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