Ghost with the Most

Start from the beginning

"This party is just boring to my liking." I lied. Doug just laughed, knowing very well that I wasn't being honest. I scanned through the crowd, seeing one of the royals going towards Mal. "Oh, this is going to be exciting." I said as I nodded my head in the direction of Mal. Queen Leah, Audrey's grandmother, walked over to the purple fae. I noticed that I wasn't the only one who spotted this interaction as the prince took note. In a quick second, Queen Leah raised her voice, causing everyone to turn towards the three of them. "I have to go." was all I said as I made my way towards the small crowd that was forming around them now.

"Queen Leah, It's okay. Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter, Mal. Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" Ben spoke out calmly towards the old queen.

"A chance to what, Ben? Destroy us? Come on. You remember, don't you?" Queen Leah spoke out, earning a few mumbles from the older generation of rulers. "The poison apples. And the spells. Spells. My daughter... Was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse." Queen Leah spat out. I felt the burning sensation once again as I quickly grabbed a hold of Ben's hand. He squeezed it in return as he focused on her words. "So her first words, her first steps, I missed it all! You mustn't trust her." Queen Leah ended her speech. I looked around, seeing how the parents started to agree with her points.

"Who's to say that they are the only villains here?" I spoke out. The royal's voices started to grow louder as they disagreed with my comment. "As of now, you seem like a villain, your majesty." I said as I gave the queen a smile.

"Cassie..." the prince whispered to me. I knew what I said would cause strong emotions for the royals, but someone had to speak the truth. Some of the mansion's oldest residents were alive during the older generation of royals. I've heard stories of how corrupted some of them were.

"I'm so so..." Mal began to speak.

"Go away! Stay away from her!" Chad said as he stepped in between Queen Leah and us. Ben pulled me behind him as he also took a step forward. I narrowed my eyes at the back of his head, knowing very well this is a fight that I have to step back from.

"Don't do this, Chad." Ben said coldly towards Chad.

"What? They were raised by their parents, Ben. What do you think villains teach their kids? Huh? Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay?" Chad stated, earning a few agreements amongst the crowd.

"And here I thought a prince would've been taught manners." I snapped back. Chad narrowed his eyes on me. In an instant, I felt the same sensation I've been feeling all day.

"Uh-uh." Chad began to say, "You stole another girl's boyfriend." He pointed towards Mal as he kept his eyes on me. I caught on to Chad's hint. He was talking about me. I was the one who officially stole Ben from Audrey, and in the end, Mal was the one who got caught.

"Hey, hey!" Ben tried to cut in.

"Oh. You enjoy hurting people." Chad said towards Jay. He walked over to Evie and took a step towards her; "And you, you're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater." he finished off.

"And you're nothing but a lowlife prince who gets what he wants at the snap of his fingers." I said, moving away and out of Ben's grip. I saw the hurt in Evie's eyes as she took out her magic mirror.

"Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?" Evie questioned before shoving the mirror in his face. That's when all hell broke loose. I was shoved away from Evie as she sprayed her perfume at Chad, causing him to knock out. The next thing I knew, Ben had his arms around me, I couldn't hear his words as he left me with Doug. "Come on, Mal." Evie stated as she tried to pull her friend away from the mess they caused.

"Guys!" Ben shouted towards the core four. I hissed as I felt the burning sensation growing. My vision began to blur as I collapsed into Doug's arms. I felt my energy draining and noticing

"Chad, wake up!" Lonnie shouted. I saw her give me a half smile before moving towards Chad. The last thing I saw was a flash of green before hearing gasped all around me.

"Jay." Mal said as she tried to get his attention. Everyone was now staring at me. Some even took a step back. The only ones standing near were Doug and Ben. I noticed Evie and Carlos made an attempt to be with me, but Mal stopped them. Before she left, she gave me a smirk, leaving behind her mess.

"I can explain." I stated as the burning sensation was once gone. This was the moment when I knew I would have to cover up my truth. Well, as much as I can possible. Everyone was staring at me in my ghost form; the blue aura around me was stronger than ever.

"I have never seen such magic as this." King Adam pointed out. "Who are you, and most of all, who are your parents?" the king questioned. Just then, I saw the fear in everyone's eyes. The fear that I've known all my life at the mansion.

"She's not even a royal." Audrey spoke out. "She may even be a villain who snuck over here and was waiting to take over." She pointed out.

"Would you ever learn to shut up Audrey." I snapped. A wave of blue glow suppresses towards the crowd, causing some of them to lose their balance. "You royals think you guys are so better than everyone. That is false. You people are what is destroying everything you touch." My blue hue glowed brighter as I continued.

"Come on, Cassie." Doug stated as he grabbed my hand. I saw Jane whisper to her mother and Ben, just standing there looking defeated. Our eyes met, and that's when I knew that my original goal here was over. In that instant, I pulled away from Doug and walked away.

"I feared something like this would happen." King Adam stated. I didn't bother to turn around as I made my way through the crowd. "And for you; you are no longer welcome back to Auradon." King Adam announced.

"This isn't their fault!" Ben retaliates back towards his dad. I wanted to go back and help the prince out, but why should I? I let out a small laugh as I turned to face the king and his son.

"Blame whoever you want. Your kingdom will perish, and you guys will know the true villains." I stated. I walked away hearing Ben call out my name. They wanted a bigger and badder villain, so be it. I didn't bother trying to change back from my ghost form. Instead, I was embracing it. Not having to hide anything anymore from anyone. My next step is now taking down Mal.

A Story to Die For (Ben X OC)Where stories live. Discover now