A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Potty

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There are so many amusing things I remember about my chldrens and their uh... how should I put this? Bodily excretions! When you look back on your children's childhood it will be the funny things you remember not all the sleep you missed. Trust me.

Since Jessi is my first, my trial and error baby so to speak, I recall her antics most of all. When she was 8 months old I will never forget her finger painting fiasco. I had just finished showering when I heard strange sounds coming from her room. Usually when Jessi woke from a nap she'd cry letting me know naptime was over. But not this time. This time she sounded different. She sounded happy, busy even. She certainly was. When I entered the nursery I could not believer the horror scene that played before my eyes. Jessi was covered in diarrhea as if her diaper had exploded. To make matters worse instead of her being upset by this she was using the uh... medium to paint a mural on the wall behind her crib. I could see the handwriting on the wall~ To this day Jessi is a budding artist destined for greatness.

Jessi continued to amuse me in similar fashion over the next several years. These particular potty training incidents stand out most in my mind:

While potty training Jessi I must have neglected to show her that I was merely overjoyed when she went pee pee on the potty in and of itself. She must have figured that since it made me overjoyed for her to pee on the potty that I'd be equally as overjoyed if she went elsewhere. One day she came running up to me exclaiming, "Mommy I pee peed on the duck!" What? I thought to myself, "We don't have a duck. Then she dragged me into the kitchen to show me the rug--it had a picture of a duck on it. Jessi also happity peed on her daddy's briefcase. He was so proud.

Here is an added tip: Never leave your toddler alone on the toilet. I thought why not kill two birds with one stone. While Jessi sat on the toilet I told her to brush her teeth. After all she needed to learn to do both right? A few moments later I hear the sound of a flushing toilet along with Jessi's happy squeals, "Mommy I flushed it away!" I ran into the bathroom ready to perform the "happy potty dance'' when I noticed her missing toothbrush." She had flushed that away! Can a toothbrush be successfully flushed away? The answer is a resounding NO! Daddy had the honor of disassembling the toilet. We only had one bathroom at the time. No one was really happy.

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