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"What's good?" I called out in English as I pushed open the door to the main meeting area of the company.

"I'm on a live!" I heard Siyeon call back immediately in Korean.

"Oops," I mumbled to myself under my breath, glad that I hadn't greeted her more explicitly, since it could sound rude to people who didn't know everything about our friendship – not to mention that it probably wouldn't be appropriate. "Hey, everyone," I called more politely as I walked up behind Siyeon, pulling out a chair and plunking down in it. "Mind if I crash your party?"

"Please do," Siyeon grinned. "Yoohyeon is coming, too. We're doing a mukbang. Yooh just went to get our drinks from upstairs, cause we left them there."

"Oh, that's why it smells so good in here," I hummed, looking ravenously at the takeout bags that I had finally noticed. "Is there anything without meat that I can have?"

"Of course," Siyeon said, pulling the bag on the left towards us. "This is cheese pizza, and there's onion rings, too."

"No way," I gasped. I felt like I was practically going to drool. "I won't take all your onion rings, unnie, I promise."

Siyeon laughed. "No, help yourself. There's plenty."

"Okay." I continued staring hungrily at the food, wanting to be polite as Siyeon was, waiting for Yoohyeon. Luckily, it wasn't long until the door swung open again.

"Oh, unnie!" Yoohyeon called happily. "You came!"

"I smelled good food," I laughed, scooting over so that Yoohyeon would have plenty of room to sit down and still appear on camera. She set down the drinks in her hand and walked over to the nearby fridge to get a fresh water bottle, which she handed to me. "Thanks."

"Sure," Yoohyeon replied.

Siyeon cleared her throat. "Let's eat, shall we?"

"Yes, thank you for the delicious meal," Yoohyeon and I chorused as we all began reaching for bags and boxes to dig in. I pulled out a slice of pizza and leaned back in my chair as I started munching on it. I hardly even noticed how hot it was because all I could focus on was the amazing taste.

"Somnias, what are you doing?" I finally asked the camera between bites. "Are you eating dinner well, too?"

Siyeon hummed. "What did everyone eat today?"

"Ah, Chinese food," Yoohyeon read a comment aloud a moment later. "That sounds good."

"That always sounds good to me," I said wistfully, but I knew that Yoohyeon and I were thinking of two different things. Chinese food from a restaurant was never the same as my family's cooking.

Siyeon chuckled. "Did you try the onion rings yet, Meimei? They're really great."

I opened my mouth as she held one out to me, and she placed one side of it between my lips. "Mm, that is good," I mumbled before shoving the rest of it in my mouth. Onions are the one food that Siyeon and I can bond over quite well thanks to our shared love for them. I read some more comments speeding by as I continued polishing off my slice of pizza.

jiboluvr🐝 has meiling unnie seen siyeon unnie's instagram photo? they were so cute back then, you and i era~

"Oh, you posted those old photo strips that you found on Instagram?" I asked aloud.

"Just before this," Siyeon replied.

"I didn't look yet." I pulled out my phone and opened up the app. As I expected, Siyeon's post was right on the top of my feed, and I double tapped it. "Oh, this looks so cute, unnie." I typed out a comment and posted it as Yoohyeon took over reading the V-Live comment section.

"Unnie, they're asking where you were before you joined us," she told me.

"Oh, I was upstairs in the practice room," I replied. "Maybe...working on a special something with an unnie?" JiU and I are preparing a Special Clip together, a cover of Tomboy by (G)I-DLE, and I'm really looking forward to it. Jeon Soyeon, the leader of the group, was one of the idols that I had always wanted to be close to, and now that I'm her friend, doing things like this feel special to me. I really admire her creativity, and I want to express that in my own work. Plus, when I told her that I was doing the cover, she lent me one of her own jackets to wear when we film it. That was what made it all the more exciting, honestly. I feel like a successful fan.

"Mm, I see," Siyeon hummed, her eyes flashing happily. I know that she's looking forward to seeing how it will come out, too.

"Totally." I smirked at her, a probably-too-obvious spoiler suddenly popping into my head. "You get the song, right?"

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