Chapter 8

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Shadow POV

(night time)
Great, I'm stuck with Faker now. After the new so-called upgrade, the room is no longer as big as before so there's only one bed, fit for 2 people, but that fox decided to make the situation worse by staying here.

As I can't even sleep cause of that fox's twin tails is taking all my space, I decided to get up and out of the room. I go to the control room, there are bug glass windows here so I can look at the stars.

After a while, I started to feel sleepy. I don't wanna go back to that crowded place, so I just sleep on the seat in the control room. The fox has put the vehicle in auto-pilot so there's no need to worry about anything.

Sonic POV

I woke up, it's still night time but Shadow is not here. So I decided to walk around the vehicle to find him. First I go to the kitchen, then the bathrooms, finally the control room.

I found him sleeping peacefully there, I so I decided to not wake him up and give him a blanket since outer space is a little bit chilly.

After the stroll, I decided to go back to my room and go back to sleep. But I can't. I go out of the room so I won't wake up Tails. I'm feeling a little bit hungry so I'm off to the kitchen.

As I was looking for something edible, I saw something move in the corner of my eye. I stopped my food haunt, I close my eyes, turn around, and kick whatever is behind me.

"Easy Faker" Shadow's voice is heard. I open my eyes in relief it's not a ghost or something.

"Sorry Shads" I said, he rolled his eyes and open the fridge.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Why are you here?" He answer me with a question.

"I was hungry, looking for food" I answered him, he only nods.

Few minutes went by, Shadow finally takes something stuff out of the fridge. Eggs, Bread, Mayonnaise, and cheese. He also takes out a pan, a big plate and few other stuff I don't know out of the cabinets.

He make some scrambled eggs, I then toast some breads. He put the eggs between the bread, some mayo, and shredded cheese, so it become somekind a sandwich.

He put the big plate on the table and sit down. He took one of the sandwiches then started eating. I don't know if I should take one or not, since it's his.

He looked at me and offer the plate, finally an approval. I gladly accept it and grab a sandwich too.

My eyes lit up, it tastes really good!! Better then any sandwiches I ever eaten.

"Wow Shads! I don't know you can cook" I complimented the chef.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Faker" he answered, I just smiled at that and took another bite of the sandwich.

We have a lot of conversation while we eat. And cause of that, I know more about Shadow now. Example : he likes eating coffee beans, his favorite flower is lavender, he often visit his alien father, and more.

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