"Oh my god." Stella laughed as she hid her face and I continued, staring up at the ceiling with a smirk, "But it's still my favourite thing to wake up with you. You look irresistible in the mornings, baby. So sleepy and soft, just makes me want to eat you up."

I traced my fingertips over her bare shoulder as Stella giggled and cuddled into me.

"And I have an idea. Hear me out, okay?" I started, licking my lips. Stella stayed quiet as I let my thoughts rumble, "I want to take a trip with you. Like we can go back to New York, but what if we rented a van and made it a road trip? We could go all the way up to Chicago and through Canada, and then stop by Vermont and have a romantic weekend there before driving back into the City? We could sleep in the van and just drive through nature, I know it's cold in Canada right now but we'll keep each other warm." I turned my face to brush my lips over her forehead, "Or we could rent little Airbnb's to stay the night."

The silence was deafening as my voice died down, and I was sure Stella could feel how my heart sped up as I awaited her answer.

"Harry," She murmured in a raspy voice, "that sounds incredible, and I'd want nothing more but... it sounds really expensive."

I hummed, "The only good thing about this secret being out in the open, is that I no longer have to hide how well-off I am."

"No, no," She dismissed quickly, "I don't want you to pay for me."

I clicked my tongue, "Stella, come on. Don't be stubborn. I'm going to quit Matt's either way, might as well just enjoy the money while we still can. I'm going to have to give most of it back, and he doesn't know what I spend."

Stella was silent as she seemed to think it over. She let out a sigh, "I don't know... I'd feel weird freeloading like that."

"Think of it as an apology gift." I tried, murmuring against her forehead, "For all the things you did for me when we were together. All the shit you put up with, how patient you've been, how nice you've been to me. You deserve everything, Stell. I want to give you as much as I can. And I think right now, quality time would be really good for us."

I felt her fingers resting on my waist, softly feeling around my ribs as she was quiet again for a little while, "I'm – I don't know. It sounds amazing, to be honest."

My lips twitched up in a smile as I hugged her tighter, "It does, doesn't it? Just the two of us, in a van, driving through the country. We could play like car games and stuff. Maybe buy a tent. I think you can see the Northern lights in Canada, that would be sick." I mused out loud.

Stella puckered her lips against my neck, "It would."

Butterflies swarmed around my stomach as my entire body felt warm all over. Here I was, in this hot pink bedroom in DC with my girlfriend, planning out a trip. I almost couldn't believe how fucking happy I was.

"You deserve to be spoiled, Stella." I murmured, "You deserve everything after what you've been through. I want to treat you so well, so right. Like you deserve. You're an angel for putting up with me and my shit. A-And I know money doesn't fix that but –"

"Harry," She cut me off softly, "stop apologizing for the past. Please. It's a fresh start for us, I don't want us to keep score." Her voice was a murmur and it relaxed me as she stroked her thumb over my jaw, feeling the stubble there.

I let out a relieved breath and nodded, "Okay. But I still want to do right by my beautiful girlfriend."

She silently groaned into my neck, "Stop."

I threw my head back in a laugh, realizing that those words were somehow such a turn on for her. I playfully tickled her sides and Stella rolled halfway on top of me, peppering kisses down my cheek and jaw while her hair fell around us like a curtain, shielding us from everything in the room.

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