Chapter 29: Thousand-Piece Puzzle

Start from the beginning

"And what do you remember about the Mark?"

That there are two, but that hardly matters.  Kill 'em both.

"Dean got it from Cain, but it's weird." You shook your head, eyes fixed on the ground. "I remember how it was with Cain, how we were always at each other's throats and he did anything possible to get under my skin, but when Dean had the Mark... I don't know."

"Well then tell me what you do know."

You looked up at Death and Id sat up, his abs flexing in order to pull him into a sitting position while he looked at you, pool ball in one hand and a scowl on his face.  He silently threatened you, held a finger up and shook his head with gritted teeth, but you ignored him—he hadn't been able to hurt you up to this point, so what was his threat, exactly?

"Was I having relations with a human?" You asked finally, watching Death's expression with analyzing eyes.  "I mean real relations, not just the kind of fake thing I'd been pulling off for so long?"

Death smirked and looked at the ground, an action that you took as a 'yes.' You felt your hand cover your mouth just as Id said I knew it, Gragnis, you've lost your edge. Death looked back up at you with raised eyebrows before saying, "That's not to say I didn't warn you about it, but you're awful good at disregarding my caution.

"That being said," Death leaned forward and reached the bag out toward you once again, shaking it slightly as he urged you to take it.  When you finally reached out and grabbed the small bag of food he smiled and leaned back, crossing his legs.  "I do believe the last couple weeks are of the utmost importance for you to remember."

Blah, blah, keep talking you trite old man. Id, who had been talking directly to Death, turned to you before rolling his eyes.  You know enough, now get back out there.  You're the most powerful thing in the world, for Luci's sake, why are you stuck in this ratty motel room?

You were opening the bag and peering inside when you said to Death, "I suppose you know, already?"

"What I know isn't of concern to you, because you need to remember for yourself."

Ask him, maybe he'll tell you.

Shut up, Sup.

You had taken the grilled cheese sandwich from the bag and were looking at it with widened eyes before you turned to Death. He smiled and nodded, saying that yes, you did need to eat and that was what was on the menu; Death smirked as you smelled the sandwich, trying to ignore the grease that had begun dripping from the corner as you inspected it.

"Couldn't you have brought something of nutritional value?" You whined, your eyes still locked on the piece of greasy bread. "Like, I don't know, a pineapple?"

"Just eat." Death stood, nodding once at the sandwich before making his way to the door.  "They say that the senses are the best way to unlock memories, so what do you have to lose?"

Death was gone before you could question what he could possibly have meant by that, leaving you sitting with a clenched jaw and narrowed eyes on the bed while Sup threw his book across the room and ran over to you, a huge grin on his face.

This could be it! This might be the time that—

But Id had swiped an arm out, hitting Sup and sending him falling to the ground a few feet away.  He couldn't do nearly as much damage as he could have several days ago, but the force was enough to leave Sup lying on the ground with a frazzled expression and a groan escaping his lips.

Put that down. Id turned back to you.  You're going to give yourself a heart attack.

Electing to ignore each of the creatures that were now arguing, pushing and pulling on each other, you only cautiously brought the sandwich to your mouth and took a bite.

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