"Ow!" The man says, with his hands raised up a little.

"What's your name?" I ask him.

"Casey." He replies.

I pause for a moment, thinking.

"Give me the tesseract or I'll gut you like a fish, Casey!"

"What's a fish?!" He yells.


"What's a fish?!" He whispers.

"How do you not know what a fish is!"

"Well, I live my entire life behind a desk..." He says, more under his breath, but I still could hear him.

"But what difference does that make!"

"Well, I want to know exactly what I'm being threatened with before I comply." He shrugged.

"Death! Violent, painful, death, Casey!" I spat.

"Okay! Okay, I comply! I comply!" He said, bringing his hands up.

He stands up, opening up one of the drawers of his desk. "I comply! Jeez!" He says.

He grabs something blue, and glowing from the desk. The tesseract!

I grab it from his hands and sigh. I look down at the other stuff inside the desk "What?!" I say.

"Infinity Stones?!" I see all the different colors, red, blue, orange...

"Oh... How do you have these?" I ask Casey, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Oh! We actually get a lot of those!" He laughs "Some of the guys use them as paperweight's!" He smiles.

"Some of them." He adds.

I look back down, then sigh, getting up.

I start walking in the hallway, Casey right behind.

everyone is just sitting in there desks, working.

"Is this the greatest power in the universe?" I ask.

Casey shrugs, his lip moving, but not saying anything.

I heard a click, and then people running toward me. I turn around to see a dark skinned woman, with a pruner, with her other TVA guards following her.

I quickly take out the resetting button I took from Mobius and Y/n, and turn it before she could prune me.

I land right in the floor, where the chair used to be but I threw it at Mobius.

I sigh, throwing the reset button on the table, then get up.

I walk around to the other side of the table, and sit where Mobius sat, playing with the projector.

I rewind it back to where the Dark Elves killed my mother, seeing her lying there on the ground. I stare for a moment, my eyes tearing up.

I fast forward to see my father, Odin. "I love you my sons." He says. I look at him, like I was about to cry at any moment. "Remember this place? Home." He says.

My breathing gets shaky.

The projector shows our father disappearing, like dust.

I start to cry, looking down.

The projector goes to another slide. "Loki, I thought the world of you." I heard Thor say, I look back up.  "I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever." The projector shows of me, Thor, and Valkyrie, on the rainbow bridge, one of Thor's eyes is gone.

"Maybe you're not so bad after all, brother." Thor says. I smirk, "Maybe not!"

"Thank you!" Thor starts. "If you were here, I might even give you a hug."

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