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The last weeks of school were lots of whispers and staring. With graduation coming I order my gown then had to go shopping for clothes. I'd been stealing Zachs pants because he wore a size bigger but I was officially out of our clothes with my baby belly and had to get new pants.

"I am not buying maternity pants. I will wear sweats first."

"But they stretch for your belly." I knew he was partly serious partly teasing. I lifted the tube of Pringles he wasn't complaining about me buying.

"Bring up those pants one more time and I'll beat you." He laughs and holds up his hands in surrender. I pick out some slacks some stretchy old man pants for around the house and some new jeans a size and two sizes bigger. I get some tee's as well since he was worried about me stretching his out.

"They've got maternity tee's you know."

"For women. I am not buying womens clothes. When I get eight months in and can't wear clothes I might give in on the pants but that's it. You are enjoying this too much." He slips behind me and puts his hand over my belly.

"I love knowing why you need new clothes. I just want you to be comfortable. If I find things you can't tell are womens clothes would you wear them?"


"Why don't we go look it can't hurt." I let him drag me to the maternity section of the department store. He manages to talk me into a plain black pair of pants. I ignore his hints about the shirts.

"So, I got the black slacks and a white shirt for graduation. A little bit of a waiter look but it'll work."

"I've got a tie you can borrow if you want." I shrug.

"Maybe." As we head away from the department store I take a detour through a baby store. I'm looking through the little dresses picturing Zach holding a baby girl with a pink dress on when I catch him staring at me again.

"What?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"You came in on your own." I blushed.

"Well she'll need clothes and time is going faster than I thought. She needs things. I want to paint the nursery for her soon. You said you'd seen some furniture online that you liked, you can show me when we get home." He nods and gives me a kiss. I wanted my family and I felt good with that as my focus. I bought two things a newborn light pink summer dress and a diaper cover that was white with pink ruffles on the butt. When we got home I made sure to hang up my things for the graduation tomorrow. As I go back down I smell food cooking already.

"How do you keep food ready for cooking. I never see you getting it ready."

"I do it when your busy with things. Homework, playing a game, doing laundry. Which by the way totally sexy seeing you folding clothes in your boxers." I snort and laugh.

"Smells like chicken."

"Yep." He lifts the lid on the pan and I see chicken frying. "Off the bone fried chicken. Sound good?"

"Yes." I give him a raised eyebrow. "What veggies are you foisting on me with this." He was all about the veggies for me and made sure I ate my vitamins when I went to bed.

"I've got green beans and mashed potatoes. Made healthy." I go over and smell the chicken again.

"How long till it's ready?"

"Twenty minutes or so. Hungry then?"

"I am." So I hung around the kitchen while he cooked. I was nearly salivating when he gave me a plate of food. I had a thought as I was eating though.

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