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The looks were already starting and I'd just walked in the door. Rob comes running over with a few of his friends.

"Dude, so did he get arrested?"

"No. They dropped the investigation. I'm over eighteen wasn't coerced and new full well what I was doing. He got fired but that's it. How far has this spread?"

"It's all over town. It was on the news last night." I rolled my eyes. This was one way to tell the town I was gay. Did they even care about that?

"So has anyone said anything about me being gay or is it just about the fact I'm dating our former principal."

"Some of the guys were talking about how thy knew you had to be gay and that they didn't want you in the showers with them anymore. Other than that every one is all about you and Mr Winter. So you still dating him then?"

"Yes." I looked around at the guys who were all watching me with interest. "Okay why does anyone care that we're dating?"

"Because he's the principal. This is like prime scandal."

"Uh-huh. Whatever. I need to get to class. Feel free to pass on what I said. Just leave me be about it." I head for class and ignore the looks. I get whispers as I pass all day long and in the showers the guys are all looking at me and trying to hide their junk from me now. I laugh as I exit the showers.

"Guys I've seen it all already. I don't care. I have a boyfriend." I say to the room at large. Some of them blush, some glare and some chuckle. As I head for the bus I find that Anise is waiting at the bus door for me.

"He squirt what are you doing here?" I ask picking her up.

"The kids were making all kinds of comments about you and Mr Winter. I didn't want to hear it so I came over. Can we go home now."

"Sure." I carried her on and sat with her. "What were they saying?"

"They were saying how their moms and dads were saying that you were a deviant and gay and weird and stuff like that. Why is it wrong that you like boys and not girls?"

"It's not wrong. It's perfectly fine. It's just some people don't like it. Ignore people like that they are wrong when they say things about it okay?" She nods.

"Do you like Mr Winter a lot?"

"I do. I love him. He's going to come to dinner Saturday night. You'll get to meet him again and talk to him. I think you'll like him a lot when you get to know him."

"As long as you like him and he's nice to you I think he's great." Now if only everyone was that easy to win over. As we get off the bus at home I see Andy's car. The second I step in he's laughing.

"Dude could you not find an easier way to tell the world?" I laugh.

"But this way was so much fun. Did you know the world revolves around me now. Just like it should." I tease. "You here just to check on me?"

"No my machine is still broken so I'm doing laundry. Mom and dad had to run out they didn't say why. I thought I'd treat you and the munchkin to dinner at Gallegy's."

"Can I steal it and text Zach and see if he wants to come? Make it a date."

"Sure let's draw attention to ourselves. Just don't tell mom and dad. It's on a school night." I text him and pass on the invite. He says he'd love to come and he'd meet us there. So after dropping our things we head out. I chuckle as we back out the drive.

"So what do your school buddies think of the booster seat in your back seat?"

"They know it's for Anise. My dates think it's oh so sweet and people who don't know me shake their heads and sigh that I'm so young and a father already." That makes me laugh. Zach already has the corner booth at the pizza place. He slips out and lets Anise run to the inside and I slide in next while he takes one edge and Andy gets the other edge. I'm smiling as I lean in and get a kiss hello. Anise is giggling. I see Andy roll his eyes.

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