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I'm walking around the house when my brother calls me down stairs. I leave from upstairs and go to where ever he was at. This house is literally way to big I freaking lost his goofy ass. I walked into the kitchen and Alex,Ryan and him where siting at the table starting to Make plates. "Omg you ordered pizza and wings?" I said yelling running for the barbecue wings. I grabbed the box and sat down Ryan and my brother looked at me crazy. I looked at Alex and she was inching the hot wings towards her and she walked over to me smiling. "Um, did Yall plan this or just plain loose your minds!" Lamar said trying not to smile. "Look Lamar we hungry and Yall can have the pizza I only want wings!" I said giggling. "Yall can be best friends Yall two act just fucking alike!" Lamar said going to the bag and pulling out two more boxes. "Those two were y'all's anyways we were going to share y'all's then have our own boxes!" Lamar said getting the last laugh. Alex and I just looked at lamar then at Ryan and grabbed our wings and tried to walk away but Ryan ran to me and grabbed my arm spinning me around so I could be looking into his eyes. He grabbed the box of wings from me and cuffed my face and kissed me so passionately I mean it felt so damn good to just be kissed like that. "Baby I'm sorry if it helps if your still hungry after you eat your wings I'll save you some of mine!" Ryan said kissing my lips. I looked at him and smiled because I love me some wings with flavor on them. I kissed Ryan lips and sat back down and ate my food. Alex wasn't kidding you walked into the living room but I didn't wanna let her eat alone since my brother wasn't going to go after her I was. I grabbed my food and went into the living room and sat next to her while she turned in basketball wife's. I was so into the movie when my stomach started to hurt. I swear having a baby and trying to enjoy your food is one hard thing because every time I begin to eat something my belly starts hurting like she or he isn't liking what they taste. My baby Betta love them some chicken because I love me some chicken. I ate all my chicken and went into the kitchen to throw the box away and the boy were in here watching porn and eating. "you guys are so sick!" I said laughing throwing my food away. "What Yall watching?" I asked walking over to the computer screen. I smiled at Ryan and Lamar like I kinda figured they would be watching lesbian porn and not just regular porn. "You guys are defiantly sick in the brain!" I said before walking away and going up stairs. "Hey bro?" I said turning my body a lil bit just so I can see him. "Yes Tiana?" He said smiling. "Which room is mine?" I asked him with a big ole smile. "iont care just pick a room they all big!" I said and walked up stairs. I think my brother would want the room with the hot tub but too bad because no other room has the hot tub. This room is defiantly dope like I'm already in love. I pull out my phone and sit it on the bed as I start to fill the hot tub up with hot water when it gets half way full I turn on the lights and the bubbles. I text Ryan just so he can come up here.

Princess.Tiana: hey baby I'm upstairs and I want you to come up here!" I text him and send him the picture of me in the tub with no shirt on. Ryan reads the picture and texts me back hella quick.

RyanDaddy: damn babe I'm on my way!" He text me sending me a video of him running up the stairs..

I look at Ryan open up all the doors and he finally found me and came into the room. I looked at him because he is just so damn cute. I smiled and scooted ova in the hot tub. "damn baby you don't have to scoot over I want you to actually come sit on daddy's dick!" He said and I smiled standing up and walking over to him. I looked into his eyes so we were face to face and I sat down on his lap I felt around and played with him then I stuck it in my self and started to ride him. These baby hormones are nothing to fuck around with they make you go crazy when it comes down to sex. After about twenty minutes I was wore out and the hot tub became the cold tub so I got out but instead of Ryan letting me walk he picked me up and took me to the bed and started to finger the fuck out of me I mean gosh damn did that feel good damn damn damn was he good and knew how to please a women. Ryan licked his fingers and stuck his dick into me all over again like gosh damn. "I'm not stopping until you have an orgasm!" He said whispering in my ear while smiling. I looked at him and as he was stroking in and out of me I was rubbing my clit. I came within seconds and Ryan came right after me like he was holding it in. Ryan fell right on top of my chest and rolled over to his side of the bed. I could her lamar running up the stairs. "Oh shit, oh shit please don't be my room!" He said before he opened the door and turned on the lights. "Gosh damn it you too damn I guess I shouldn't have told you any room I should have told you to not go for the room with the hot tub shit!" He said feelings really salty. I looked at him then looked at Ryan and we both started laughing. "Well bro I don't think you want this room right here anymore!" Ryan said cracking up laughing. "Man Yall too is so fucking nasty!" Lamar said and closed the door. I looked at Ryan and started cracking up laughing. I looked into his eyes and kissed him before I laid on his chest and I drifted off into sleep.

"Tiana?" I heard a voice call my name. I looked into the room and it was black but I knew there were objects in the room. I sat up and answered to the call "yes?" I answered back. I looked at the face appear and it was my step father Craig. I looked at him and pushed my self back onto the bed. "Please don't come near me!" I said trying to keep calm. "Look baby I only want what's mine and that's you I am in love with you baby I need you. You've been out my life for three years and I just got out two years ago baby I finally found again!" He said climbing on top of the bed.

Ryan's p.o.v

I just got woke up from Tiana moving around in the bed. Looked to me like she was having a bad dream about some nigga because she kept tossing and turning and she was light way scaring me but I didn't want to say anything to her then I scare her anymore then what she was scared already. I just sat up and watched her every move until she woke up yelling. I grabbed her and held her tight to me. "Baby I'm here it's okay don't be scared anymore baby ain't nobody ever going to hurt you again while I'm here!" I said to her trying to make her feel better. I held her all night long and just let her sleep I stayed up ain't no pint of going to sleep if my baby scared.

Regular p.o.v. Now

I woke up from my sleep with Ryan still holding me tight in his grip but he was knocked the hell out. I looked at him and took a picture I swear he is so cute when he sleep. I got out of the bed and that woke Ryan up and he smiled at me. "Damn I can't get a kiss good morning?" He asked me smiling. I looked at him and couldn't help but to smile. "Damn Bae I just woke up my breathe stank!" I said giggling and trying to run away from him before he try to make me give him a kiss.

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