Help Meeeeee

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I showed the officer the messages she texted me. "Look I don't think I did anything wrong I was just being a good daughter and came over to check on my mom and she does this type shit. I walked in and she was smiling at me so I was like shit something might be wrong but then again it might be okay. I walked into the house and Brittany and her they both attached me. I finally got enough energy and I went into the kitchen to get two knifes Brittany wanted to fight me one on one so ok put the knife down and started to fight her and I was beating her ass then my mother pulled a knife out on me and was about to snag me just until my brother lamar walked in with the gun. My mother was walking closer to me with the knife so I grabbed the gun from my brother and shot her!" I said beginning to cry. The officer grabbed me and pulled me into a big ass hug. " I know it's not easy to go through something like this but it happens.!" He said looking into my eyes. I pulled away and went to my car I called Nate and told him the date would be cancelled and that I was going home and if he wanted to come through and chill then that's fine to. I mean I'm not going home home but I'm staying at the hotel for a lil min. I made it to the hotel and Nate had met me their, I got out the car and greeted him with a smile because he was beyond handsome. "Hello beautiful!" He said smiling giving me a hug. "Oh hey Nate!" I said smiling at him. "How are you?" I asked him smiling. "I'm good just trying to make it through!" He said flashing me that two million dollar smile. I opened the door and no body was in the room and it was spotless and my bags were left alone so I was pleased. I walked in and sat on the bed ready for this baby to pop. I put my food from yesterday into the microwave and started to eat as Nate flipped through the channels. I started to lay on his chest until someone started to knock on the door. "Look I have a baby daddy that know where I'm staying but I'm not talking to him anymore!" I said looking into his eyes getting up. I look into the peep hole. Des and some other guy was at my door but I didn't answer I just quietly locked the door and out the silver thing over the door and went to go lay down. "Do you just want me to leave?" Nate asked me looking into my eyes. "Nah you coo we can chill I just don't want them getting a key and coming to my room I don't trust him for real!" I said looking at the tv seeing my phone ring. I picked up my phone and hit the green answer button on my iPhone. I put the phone to my ear and I wasn't ready to hear the voice of dez and his voice was shaky the shakiest I've ever heard it to be. "look baby I need your help on some real shit like these niggas is trying to get me nd fam. I need to come chill in yo room is that coo?" He asked me with. Shaky voice. "look I have company so iont know about that!" I said into the phone. "Okay look Ima have my company leave now and you can come in but if anything happens I'm going to kill you dez!" I said into the phone hanging up. Nate looked at me and looked to be a lil disappointed. "Look I don't want you to leave but my baby daddy is in trouble and I'm sorry maybe we can chill tomorrow before I leave to go out of town!" I said looking into his eyes. "yeah most defiantly I'll be keeping In touch!" He said giving me a kiss on the lips. Nate out back on his shoes and grabbed his phone and I opened the door and dez and his boy was standing outside my room. "Damn Tiana we doing that now you got a nigga in the room while you pregnant with my baby?" Dez asked looked hella pissed. "Dez we just sat in there and watched tv damn why you trippen dude you know I ain't gone be fucking no one with your baby inside of me unless it's you so stop trippen dude!" I said looking into his eyes with a 'your a bitch ass nigga' look. Dez smirked at me and walked into the room giving his fam cap and going into the room. I gave Nate a hug and walked into the room. When I walked in Dez looked pissed but I honestly don't give a fuck he think he can go around and sleep with my best friend but I can't talk to no one like he got the game fucked up. " so you think it's coo to talk to other niggas while you talking to me?" He asked raising his eyebrow looking at me. "nigga you always think it's okay to sleep around with bitches while we're still together. Don't think I forgot about Courtney hoe ass or Brittany!" I said on the verge of crying. "I would have never cheated on you I still won't because I'm not nasty but dude I only had him here because j don't wanna be lonely and I just needed someone to chill with if you would have had a key and came in least expected you wouldn't have seen shit! What? Me laying on his chest is it and we would have been watching a movie but I didn't know what was going on you and your cousin looked like Yall was trying to kill someone!" I said looking into Dez eyes. "Look Bae I don't want anymore lies I just want to tell you the truth okay?" He said grabbing my arm and looking into my eyes. "Look you my second baby momma I been off and on with her since we've been dating. I left and fucked Brittany last night .Courtney and I are still sorta kinda talking and its this new girl named jazzie. I only talk to jazzie for head!" He said looking into my eyes while rubbing my hands with his thumb trying to console me so I wouldn't go the fuck off but trust me I'm about to. I just looked at him and walked away I really had nothing else to say to his ass I just honestly wanted to be left alone. "Look I'm moving to Arizona with my brother if you wanna come you can come but if you don't then tell me now because this baby needs you but if you don't wanna be in its life then I'm not-!" I tried to finish what I wanted to say but next I knew he had just kissed me right in the middle of my sentence ugh this felt so good but I felt like I was a sideline to him and I didn't matter anything. I leaned in more and kissed him back not liking it but I was loving the feeling does anyone know what I'm talking about. Look today is Sunday will you be going back to school on Monday to tell everyone by?" He asked me smiling. I just looked at him then smacked my lips. "Dude I have no one to say bye to everyone thinks Ima hoe and nobody like me on the real shit!" I said looking into his eyes. "Well last time I checked you can't leave Anthony and Trey without saying good bye. What about Ryan?" He asked me smiling. "Ryan Is coming with us somewhere I don't want him to come I wish he wouldn't come with us because I already can't stand him for the stunt he pulled on me the day I got kicked out of my house. That's why I'm slipping in this hotel that cost five hundred a night. I'm damn near almost broke and I still have to pay to go to Arizona this shit is so hard and frustrating but I know Ima make it through because I have a feeling God has a plan for me I just don't know what it is but one day I hope I can see and feel the feeling of having my Home and my family that I've always wished to have since I was like six.

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