Come here

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"Tiana hurry up I need your help!" My mother tash said yelling up the stairs to me

"Mom I have to get dressed before I'm late for school!" I said pissed "Gosh damn!"

"Please hurry up Tiana!" My mother said

I looked into the mirror taking a good look at my self. I mean I looked so damn good. I have brown smooth skin. With a belly button ring I love to show off. I wore a pencil skirt that came up past mid thigh, a long sleeve light blue shirt it was an all button down. I unbottoned three bottons and put on some black heels with some big hoops and my hair in a ponytail. I swear I looked good as fuck. I walked down stairs with my keys and phone on one hand and my muffin in the other.

"Young lady you are not going to school -" my mother said before I slammed the door in the middle of her sentence.

I walked out to my all black and lime green Bugatti. I started the car and pulled off I swear my mother can be so aggravating most of the time. I pulled up to my school with twenty minutes to spare before the bell rings. All the popular kids show up early for what reason iont know. But what I do know is everyone thinks I'm a Thot. I walked into the school and down towards the junior hallway and started smiling at all the boys. They all smiled at me and I went to my locker beside this fine guy but I'm a hundred percent sure he doesn't want someone like me.

"Hey Tiana!" He said looking at me smiling

"Oh, hey Anthony!" I said smiling back at him.

Anthony walked away and I looked into my locker and as I was opening it. A note fell out of my locker so I stopped and read what it said.

Dear tiana,

Meet me down at the side of school no one uses because if you don't then I'll send everything to everyone in this school and really ruin your life.

Love, you know who I am.

I looked at the note and I felt hot and I swear I just wanted to cry. At this point my life is already ruined how bout he ruin it even more. I slammed my locker and walked over to Daniel while he was talking to his homeboys.

"Look Daniel your not about to blackmail me shit if you wanna send the videos and pics to everyone go for it. They'll just see what type of freak I really am. Everyone at this school already thinks I'm a hoe anyways so shoot for it. You'll just be labeled as a hoes boyfriend. Dumb ass!" That was all that was said before I walked away in my cute shirt no my ass moving from left to right.

I didn't switch hard but when I walked away a nigga know he just got told and already know what the fuck it really is. I walked over to the senior hallway because my brother is a senior. I walked up to him and he just rolled his eyes at me and went back to talking to his homies. Within seconds my phone buzzed and everyone's did and there is where it all started. My videos and pics and everything. My brother lamar turned around and looked at me with anger and rage in his eyes.

"What the fuck is this Tiana?" He asked yelling at me causing a scene

"Look Lamar I can explain I'm-!" Is all I could get out before lamar slapped me with all his might. I fell to the ground and everyone was looking around at first they were laughing but then it just got silent.

"I'm ashamed of ever calling you my sister you fucking disgust me you nasty whore. Your such a embarrassment you should be ashamed of your self because I'm pretty sure I am and everyone else is!" He said and kicked me in the face

I laid there and cried and cried until someone came and gave me a hug while everyone had there phones out and everything. I looked up and to my surprise it was Anthony helping me. I looked at him and smiled but I got up and went to my locker and grabbed my first period books and walked straight to class. The whole class period was very quite no one really talked.

I looked straight forward and didn't make any moves because my face hurts so bad. At the end of class it was my study hall and my study hall was filled with all boys it's about two girls but there freshmens. I walked into my study hall and got straight to business. I seen my brother walk in and he gave me a look and walked to another part of the room far away from me. I just looked at him and smiled and got to work. That nigga really gone wish he didn't do what he did to me. I can't wait until school is over because that nigga really gone miss me and I can tell you that.

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