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"Feast your eyes, Captain

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"Feast your eyes, Captain. All of them, faithful hands before the mast. Every man worth his salt, and crazy to boot." Gibbs said as the sun was shining on Josephine, Will, Jack as they stared at the crew Gibbs managed to get in front of them.

"So this is your able-bodied crew?" Will questioned with judgment.

"You, sailor!" Jack called out, standing in front of an old man that had a parrot on his shoulder.

"Cotton, sir." Gibbs mentioned that it was the pirate's name.

"Mr. Cotton, do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?" Jack asked him. Cotton said nothing as he glanced at Gibbs. "Mr. Cotton, answer man!" Jack demanded.

"He's a mute, sir. Poor devil has his tongue cut out. So he trained the parrot to talk for him." Gibbs informed him. The trio cringed when Cotton showed them his severed tongue.
"No one's yet figured how." Gibbs added.

"Mr. Cotton's parrot, same question." Jack mused, looking to the parrot.

Ah! Wind in your sails! Wind in your sails!

The trio tilted their heads, not knowing what the parrot meant.

"Mostly, we figure that means "yes." Gibbs insinuated.

"Of course it does." Jack turned his head to Will and Josephine, "Satisfied?" He asked.

"Well, you've proofed their mad." Will quipped.

"What's the benefit for us?" A crew member asked, drawing their attention. Josephine and Will followed Jack as he walked towards the person who asked that question, he removed their hat revealing it to be an African-American woman.

"Annamaria!" Jack greeted only for him to get slapped.

"I suppose you didn't deserve that one, either." Josephine chirped, amused.

"No, that one I deserved." Jack admitted before turning to Annamaria.

"You stole my boat!" Annamaria exclaimed, pointing her finger at him.

"Actually..." Jack was cut off by receiving another slap. He winced and faced her, "Borrowed. Borrowed without permission, but with every intention of bringing it back to you." He told her.

"But you didn't!" Annamaria snapped.

"You'll get another one." Jack assured. Annamaria jabbed her finger at him, "I will." She said.

"A better one." Will piped up, nodding.

"A better one!" Jack repeated with a smile.

"That one." Josephine added, pointing to a specific boat.

"What one?" Jack asked, looking to her in confusion. Josephine nodded to the direction she pointed at which made Jack look and frown at her, "That one?" They had a stare-off, Josephine winning because he was scared not that he would admit it out loud. "Aye. That one. What say you?" Jack looked to Annamaria.

𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑇𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now