My Dearest Friend (RF4)

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My Dearest Friend,

I miss you.

The nerve of some people, falling out of the sky, making everyone love you, and leaving us like that! Making a divine dragon miss you! Honestly, this is why I tried not to get close to you humans!

I knew already how much it hurt to lose a friend; losing those four tore me apart inside…but losing you was even worse. 

I know you lived a long happy life. I watched you that whole time, you know? I watched you build a new life here in Selphia, watched you fall in love, listened to you go on and on about your sweetheart, and even officiated your wedding. 

I was one of the first to meet your first born child, that little thing. You had tears in your eyes as you cradled them and an adoring smile on your face. I don't think I've ever seen your partner happier in all the years I've known them either.

They grow up so fast though; now that little child is a grown up with a family of their own. Their laughter echoes through the castle, and your grandchildren often ask for rides on my back. 

As much as I hate to admit it—even on paper—I've given in a time or two. They have those same puppy eyes you always gave when you tried to get away with something! Of all the things for you to pass on!

Everyone misses you. 

Volkanon uses twice as many handkerchiefs when he talks about you, but those are tears of pride. He talks about you like a doting father talks about his children, and he still watches over your family to this day.

Meg performs songs in your honor, full of love. She sings and plays in the honor of our own little hero. Even while traveling, she plays her songs and tells the story of the Earthmate who couldn't keep their nose out of other people's business. 

Doug accepts Selphia as home now, and has made so much progress on his journey to help the people left by the empire's collapse. We chat about old times when he's home, and the topic always comes back to you.

Illuminata grew a small garden just outside of town for you; it's truly a sight to behold. Monsters never disturb it, and she constantly goes on about it being a fascinating case. But we both have a feeling that we know why. You're beloved by this town, down to its roots. The land itself is watching over you, even now.

When people visit our town, I can't help but tell a few tales myself. I tell them about my best friend, a gift from the heavens, and the remarkable life they lived. I tell them about the heroic acts you would never accept proper praise for and the times you tested my patience. I tell them how you saved me and those I love most and how you pushed me to be honest with everyone. 

I tell them about the Earthmate who saved Selphia. I tell them about the fool who dared to tease a native dragon. I tell them about you, who we all love so dearly.

You lived a happy and full life, passing away at an old age with a smile on your face. It's what you deserved, a happy, peaceful life. You definitely earned it. 

I hope wherever you humans go after you die is a beautiful place. I hope you can rest easy now. Most of all, I hope that we can meet again someday.

Rest In Peace, My Beloved Friend,


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