How They Ask You On A Date

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Anakin: This man had no problem in asking you out. He walked over to you and said "How about when we get back to Coruscant we go on a date"

Obi-Wan: After Obi-Wan successfully defeated the Separatists on your plan he walked up to you. He had been ordered to stay on the planet for a little longer to make sure there wasn't another surprise attack. After a while of debating he walked up to you and said "Y/n I know we don't know much about each other but would you like to go on a date with me?" You obviously said yes.

Ahsoka: Much like her master she had no problem asking you out.  "How about I take you on a date tonight?"

Rex: It took forever until Rex finally asked you on a date. He was scared you would say no and didn't want to be rejected. Finally he got the courage to ask you out "Y/n I- I was wondering if you maybe would like to go on a date?"

Fives: You had only known him for 5 minutes before he asked you on a date. "How about I take you on a date?" When you said yes you didn't think he met at that exact moment.

Padme: She was honestly scared to ask you on a date. Since you two were childhood friends she didn't want to ruin the friendship you two currently had. She was about to leave for Coruscant and figured why not ask you. After a hour of backing down she finally asked you. "I know this is going to sound crazy but what if I take you on a date?"

Luke: He wanted to ask you out for a while. You were both undercover on Tatooine trying to figure out anything you could about the Empire. "Y/n this may be the worse time to ask but would you like to go on a date with me?"

Han: Face it, this man didn't even ask you. It was more of a demand. "Y/n, you and me, date tonight be ready.

Lando: You two were walking around when he stopped walking. You turned to face him and he just blurted it out. "I want to take you on a date Y/n"

Leia: It was after the first death star was destroyed and everyone was celebrating. She took you to a place a bit less crowded and asked you.

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