Who Say "I Love You" First!

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Anakin: He does. He actually says it the day you two started dating. He doesn't like to hide his feelings.

Obi-Wan: He did. He told you about a month after you two started dating. You were watching the sunset while he held you in his arms and he said the three magic words.

Ahsoka: She did. A lot like her master she is impulsive. She said it to you a week after you two started dating.

Rex: You did. Rex was a bit shy when it came to dating. Being a Clone he wasn't quite sure how to express his emotions. 

Fives: He did. This man didn't even think twice before telling you how he felt. 

Padme: You did. You were always the more dominant one in the relationship, hence to why you said it first.

Luke: You did. Luke was always a bit shy. He wanted the moment to be perfect but you blurted it out one day.

Han: He did. This man hadn't even asked you out yet. He told you while you were working.

Lando: He did. You two took your relationship at a slower pace. It was months before he told you that he loved you and you didn't hesitate to say it back.

Leia: You did. You two were in a battle and you thought one of you was going to die. You said it and it caught her off guard,

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